you promised part 2

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roc i need you to  calm down and lay down in the backseat.*i nodded my head and did as he told me.they shot the back window and the glass fell on me.*ARE YOU OK?

brea-im fine.please get us away from them.

roc royal-baby open the door and jump out.


roc royal-DO IT NOW.*he jumped out and i jumped out.i rolled on the ground and i felt myself rolling on the small cuts on my body.i got on my hands and knees and looked up.roc was running over to me.i stood up and he grabbed my hand.i had to run to catch up to him.he was running to the ocean.*

brea-roc you know i cant swim.

roc royal-TRY!*we jumped over the edge of the cliff and landed in the water.he still had my hand and he lead me to swim to the ground of the ocean.the ground opened and we swam through.when you went in you had to put your hands on the edge of the floor and stand up.roc went first then he helped me get up.we walked through a glass door that had a couch,lamp,table and other stuff.*

brea-roc what is this place?

roc royal-baby sit down.*i sat down and he sat next to me.*ok i have to tell you the whole more secrets.lets start with my actually 19.i used to be an agent thats why i know this wants me to work for him thats why he keeps coming around.he wont stop coming until i go with a rapper now.any questions?

brea-roc why did you lie to me?

roc royal-i didnt want to but there were somethings you could know and some you couldnt.

brea-do you honestly love me roc?

roc royal-of course.thats why im leaving you.

brea-look i know that you dont want to hurt me but i need you.what about the baby?

roc royal-ill try to visit.tell the baby about me.

brea-i need you roc.

roc royal-i need you too but i need you to be strong without me.

brea-thats hard.

roc royal-i know you can do it.*he got up and grabbed a black bookbag.*take this.swim straight until you see green rocks.get to the land and walk straight.its our backyard.just act like everything is normal.if people ask what happened to me just say i left the bag when you get home.start your life without me and meet someone perfect for you ok?*i looked at the ground.*

brea-id rather be on the run with you than live without you.

roc royal-baby i would love to go with you but i need you to be strong for you and the baby.take the bag baby.*i took it and grabbed him.i hugged him as tight as i could.i started crying.he started wiping my tears.*

brea-please ask him if you can stay with me for a week.*he nodded his head and kissed me as sweetly as he could.he pulled my waist close to him and stopped kissing me.*

roc royal-i love you.tell my kid about me.

brea-i will and i love you too.*he let go of me and i walked through the door and started swimming.after about  30 minutes of swimming i found the green rocks.i climbed up the side of the ocean and walked to our house.i opened the door and walked to the living room.i sat on the couch and started pulling stuff out of the was bags full of money,pictures of us in a scrapbook and a letter from him to the baby.i put everything in the bagand held  my stomach.*well its just us baby.lets hope daddy can come back to us.*i laid on the couch clutching the bag tightly to my body.i watched tv until i fell asleep.*

roc royal pov

roc royal-*when she left my heart dropped.i know shes safe but i really need her.i shook my head and walked out the front door of the lair.i walked down the street calling george.*

george-hello roc royal.hows your girl?

roc royal-were broken up.i want to join you.

george-o you finally came to your senses.

roc royal-yea you can say that.look ill meet you at the bookstore on 5825 muse street.

george-ok.well talk business in my car.

roc royal-good.see you then.*i hung up the phone and walked to the bookstore.i gave brea 4 million dollars.i know shell be responsible with the money.when i got to the bookstore his men was standing at the corner where his car was.i got in the car and we talked about business.*

george-do you have a place to stay roc?

roc royal-no.

george-ok ill take you to where i start tomorrow.*just like that i was drawn into his world and mine was destroyed.*

one last chapter and then a sequel.hope you like.

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