please forgive me part 1

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brea-*i woke up with a flower and a note on my pillow.the note said'have to work today.i hope you like the flower.its just one part of your surprise.i love you baby.'i got up,grabbed my dress and walked to my room.i showered and put on my sweatpants and a tank top.i watched movies untill 6 with 6 she got a call.*

danielle-hello?........hey baby.............what?!.............ok which one?..............ok where is it?.........ok well be there in 20.*she hung up.*roc royal was arrested.


danielle-come on we have to bail him out!*i put some flip flops on and we ran to the car to get him.danielle was driving as fast as she could.when we got to the police station princeton,prodigy and ray ray were in the waiting room waiting for us.we walked over to them.*here's his bail.

brea-what happened?

prodigy-he'll explain.*princeton and ray ray went to bail roc out.i turned around and saw chris.he looked at me and smiled.i turned my head.why is he here?*you know him?*i turned around and chris was walking through the door.*

brea-yea.he's a friend.

prodigy-and roc's ok with that?*i shook my head no.roc walked through the doors after princeton and ray ray.*

man-i dont want to see you here again roc.

roc royal-i know mr jackson.i'm trying my hardest not to.*thats all that i heard while i was walking over to him.i jumped on him when he least expected it.he caught me and held me close to him.i moved my head and kissed him sweetly.i planted my feet on the floor and he moved his hands to my hips.*

mr.jackson-this your girl roc?*he nodded his head.*

roc royal-brea this is my uncle mr. johnson.

mr. johnson and brea-nice to meet you.

brea-you ready to go?*he nodded his head.when we got to the apartment building roc pulled me to his apartment.i walked to his bedroom.i turned around and watched him close the door.*

brea-what happened?why were you in jail?

roc royal-they tried to get me on assault charges.


roc royal-your friend chris.


roc royal-did you kiss him?

brea-what does that have to with anything?

roc-just answer the question.*he looked in my eyes with hurt.i looked down and nodded my head.i didnt hear anything so i looked up.he was standing there i'm guess trying to process my my answer in his mind.*

brea-roc.say something please.*he walked to the door and opened it.*

roc royal-get out.

brea-can we talk?

roc royal-BR..*he almost yelled at me.he had to compose himself.*it would be safer if you leave.

brea-i know you wont hurt me.

roc royal-brea i'm being nice.

brea-roc i'm sorry.i didnt go there with that intention.*he walked over to me and picked me up then he took me to the hallway and put me on the floor.he closed the door and locked it.i fell to the floor and i started crying.what the fuck did i do stupid ass!i got up and walked to my apartment.danielle and princeton are sitting on the couch.they looked at me and i just kept walking to my room.i laid on my bed and started crying.i heard a knock on my door.*come in.*it was danny and princeton.*this is what happened.i went for my walk and found chris.chris invited me to his apartment and i went.we was chilling then he kissed me.i didnt stop him and then he kissed me on my neck and carried me to the bedroom.roc called so thats what made me stop.he kicked me out of his apartment and he wont even look at me or talk to so fucking stupid.*i cried a little harder.danny walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me like a mom does to her baby.princeton sat on my other side and rubbed my shoulder.i laid my head on danny's shoulder.they both tried to comfort and encourage me but i felt like my relationship is over because of one dumb ass mistake i made.i cant believe i did that to him.i wouldnt be mad if he broke up with me and avoids me for the rest of his life.after a long ass hour of crying i fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night.i looked at my phone and i have no messages.i turned over and cried myself to sleep again.*

roc royal's pov

roc royal-*i picked brea up and put her outside of the apartment because if she stayed i was going to do or say something i was going to regret.when i closed the door i punched it and slid down the door.what the fuck brea!why?i loved that girl more than everything and anything.she was the perfect thing in my fucked up life that i dragged her in.then chris had to fuck it up.i'm killing that nigga.then she had to kiss that dickhead.i hate him and he hates me.he cant have brea though.i walked in my room and just thought about everything that happened today.i left this morning cause i had to get on the street.the addicts like to get a hit in the was all normal til chris walked over to me saying he was feeling on brea and that her moans are the best sounds he's ever heard.i told him off and basically defended brea but then he said he had his hand in her pants and thats when i lost it.i punched him dead in his face.he got up and tackled me to the ground and we started fighting.i won because when the cops came i didnt have a scratch on me but his face was real jacked up.i wasnt convicted because i do a lot to help the community and im well known even though i sell drugs.why would brea even let him touch her?i thought about everything over and over in my head.i kept thinking through the whole night just wanting to know what the hell i wanted to do with our relationship.i would dump her cheating ass but i love her too much to just gdrop her which is hard.i checked the time and its 8am.i decided to sleep on it.i woke up hearing a knock at my bedroom door.i opened the door and it was danielle.i let her in and left the door open so nobody thought anyhting was happening.*sup?

danielle-i know what brea did was really wrong but can you please forgive her.she was crying all night literally.she cried on my shoulder for 4 hours straight then she woke up in the middle of the night and cried again.she's like a freaking baby.

roc royal-i dont you know the details of what happened?

danielle-yea.*she told me the details and i cant believe he touched her like that.i got up.*

roc royal-i'm going to go talk to her since im more calm today.yesterday i had to pick her up and get her away from me.

danielle-aw even when your mad you keep her safe.

roc royal-sure.*i walked to their apartment with the key danny gave to me.i opened the front door and walked to her room.i opened the door and saw that she was asleep.i walked to her bed and laid down.i fell asleep 5 seconds later.i opened my eyes and rolled over to see if she was there.i didnt see brea.i turned the other way and i still didnt see her.i heard her bedroom door open and it was her walking in with a towel on.i sat on the edge of the bed in front of her.i bit my lip and looked her up and down.*

brea-hey roc.

roc royal-hey.*i kept my eyes on her.*

brea-so did you make up your mind?

roc royal-yea.

brea-what was your decision?

roc royal-i decided that i love you too much to let you go over something that we can work through.*she cheered and ran into my arms.then she kissed me with a lot of passion.i pulled her on top of me so she was straddling me.then i pullled the towel off of her.*

to be continued....

next chapter is going to be r rated.

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