please forgive me part 2

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danielle pov

danielle-*when roc royal left princeton walked in his room.*hes going to go talk to her.i hope they get back together.
princeton-danny can i ask you a question?


princeton-have you cheated on me?
danielle-no.why would you think that?
princeton-i found a diamond bracelet in your drawer.
danielle-im trying to give it back to him but i dont know how and he doesnt want it back.
princeton-so why not throw it away?
danielle-its expensive and i wanted to be nice.nothing is going on between us i promise.
princeton-whats his name?
princeton-do you like him?*he stared in my eyes.*
danielle-a little but i love you.i dont want him i want you princeton.*i got up and walked over to him.i wanted to hug and kiss him but i know he dont want to touch me.our bodies were a foot away.*
princeton-danny dont lie to me.
danielle-i'm not.i didnt do anything with him.i love you too much and i havent seen him in a week any way.*he stared in my eyes and i saw relief in them.he pulled me to hug him and i hugged him tight.i moved my head and i kissed him.*i would never leave one can kiss like you.
princeton-you damn right.*i giggled and kissed him.we walked to my apartment.when we got to my room he pulled me in for a kiss.i kissed him passionately.he pushed me on the bed and he got on top of me.i pulled him closer and his hands roamed my body.he pulled away.*you want oral?*he looked in my eyes.i shook my head no.*are you sure?*i nodded my head and smiled.he smiled and pulled me in to a kiss then he wrapped my leg around his waist.*
breas pov
brea-*i was so happy that roc took me back.i didnt even notice roc took my towel off til i felt his hands on my body.he rolled us over and he kept kissing me.i pulled away from the kiss and i smiled at him.*i love you.
roc royal-i love you too.*he stared in my eyes and i put my hands under his shirt.he looked at my hand then in my eyes.his smile slowly faded away.i pulled his shirt up and he took it off.i bit my lip when i got a good look at his abs.damn this boy was just perfect.i looked in his eyes and he pulled me in a kiss.he grabbed my hips and pulled them forcefully to his.i moaned cause i felt him through his basketball shorts.i moved my hands down and touched the top of his shorts.he stopped kissing me.*i dont have a condom.*i reached in my bed side table drawer and pulled one out.he looked at me skeptical.*
brea-i got them in case this was to happen.
roc royal-were you sure i was going to be the one?
brea-yes and danielle was getting some so i just asked her to get me some.girls gotta be safe.*he shook his head smiling.then he pulled me in for a kiss.i touched his basketball shorts again.he laughed and took them and his boxers off.he put the condom on and pulled me back into a kiss.i felt him getting harder by the second.again i moaned at the contact of him.i rolled us over and sat on top of him.he looked in my eyes with love,need and passion.*i love you rocky.
roc royal-i love you too brea.*he rubbed my thighs.i got on his dick and i rode him slowly.he bit his lip and groaned.he mostly looked at me while i was doing this and seeing him like this made me horny as hell.i was going to move faster but he flipped us over.he wrapped my leg around his hip and moved at a medium pace in me.i moaned and closed my eyes enjoying this moment.i bit my lip when he hit certain spots.he kissed my sweetspot on my neck and went in me at the same time.i moaned his name loud then i bit my lip.he gripped the sheets and i wrapped my other leg around him.i wanted him closer to me.he leaned down more and he went in me deeper.i threw my head back and enjoyed the sensations he was giving me.then he held my hips and went faster and harder.i moaned really loud at the speed.i pulled him to kiss me while he was pounding me.i fell on the bed in complete bliss.he intertwined his fingers with mine and kept going full force.he bent down by my ear.*do you want to take over?*his voice was husky and that turned me on even more.i shook my head no.he unwrapped his hands from mine and held my hips.then he went faster,harder and deeper.i basically screamed his name as loud as i could at this point.i grabbed the sheets as tight as i could and bit my lip.i kept moaning and screaming his name until i finally came.he moved to a slow stop.then he lowered his top half on me and kissed me sweetly.i held the back of his head to deepen the kiss.he pulled away and both of us were breathing heavy.*you ok?*he stared in my eyes.i bit my lip and nodded my head.*can you talk to me?
brea-i'm ok rocky.*i looked in his eyes.he smiled a little and i smiled back.then he pulled me in for another kiss.i pulled away.*shouldnt you throw it away?*he nodded his head then he got up and threw the condom away.he walked back over to the bed,put his boxers on and laid next to me in bed.he wrapped his arms around my hips.*i still have your shirt.
roc royal-keep it.*he kissed my cheek then he kissed my sweetspot.i moaned again then i bit my lip.*
brea-roc please.*he got up and pulled out a shirt from one of my drawers then he gave it to me.i put the shirt on and then i turned on the tv.he cuddled with me and we watched red riding hood.i heard a knock at the front door.*i'll get the door.*i got up to answer it.i opened the door and saw my foster dad.i tried to close the door on him but he pushed it open because he is stronger than me.*ROC!*i moved away from him.roc walked out of my room and grabbed me.he pushed me behind him.*
foster dad-really brea?you think he can save you?he cant even tell you the truth.can you roc?
roc royal-get out not afraid to kick your ass.
dad-but your afraid of losing her right?i know she doesnt know.why aint you tell her?
brea-tell me what?
foster dad-he's a drug dealer.
brea-your lying.he would never do that.
foster dad-are you sure about that brea?
brea-roc tell me you dont sell drugs.*he didnt say anything.he couldnt even look in my eyes.*were you going to tell me?
roc royal-brea it doesnt have anything to do with me on that.
brea-oh my brought me here for what?
roc royal-to protect you.
brea-so why lie to me?
roc royal-you dont need to know why i do what i do.
brea-oh really?*he nodded his head.i walked in my room put on some sweatpants and sneakers then i walked out of the apartment.roc tried to get me to not leave but i couldnt be around him right now.he basically lied to me since day one.i love him and all.he was my first everything.first kiss,first love,first guy i had sex with,first everything.i cant believe him.i just ran away to try and be somewhere i felt safe.i was at a beach that was about 20 minutes away because my legs started to hurt.i just sat on the sand and cried.*

danielle pov
danielle-*after me and prince handled our business.i thought i heard brea's foster dad talking.i put on prince's shirt and looked out the door.i saw all three of them.*
foster dad-he's a drug dealer.*wow rocs a drug dealer.i closed the door.*
danielle-baby did you know roc was a drug dealer?
princeton-yea.i do it with him.*i looked at him shocked.*look i can explain.we do it because we need quick money to pay some dude back.he said if we dont have his money by next friday we're dead.we didnt know if we should drag you and brea in it but we both wanted yall and roc wanted to protect sorry i never told you but i love you danny.please dont leave me.*he got up and stood in front of me looking in my eyes.*
danielle-all this time you couldve told me you just chose not too.
princeton-im sorry.i love you.i would never hurt you.everything i told you was true.i never want to hurt you.i know i lied and i feel really bad about that.i thought it would be safer and easier if we didnt talk about it.*i looked in his eyes and i saw so much truth,hope and love in them.*
danielle-i just wish you told me instead of a man i hate.
princeton-i know.i love you and im sorry.
danielle-dont lie to me again.*he pulled me into a passionate kiss.he moved his hand down and grabbed my ass.then he picked me up and i felt his growing erection.i moaned at the contact.*i need to check on brea.*i moaned while he was kissing my neck.*
princeton-ill make it quick.*he pushed me on the bed and went full force in me.i screamed and moaned his name.while he pushing his hips into mine i screamed louder cause he was going deeper.a few minutes later i came and then he stopped pounding me when he came.he put my legs down.*
danielle-oh my gosh.*i got up with a little pain in my back.i walked out to see roc on the phone and putting his sneakers on.*i'm coming.prince you stay here incase she comes back.
princeton-alright.i'll send the guys yall*he threw me some panties and shorts.i slipped them on and my flip flops and we were out the door looking for brea.when we got in the car i turned on the radio and we belong together was playing on the radio.ironic right?*

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