day with my boo

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brea-*i woke up this morning in roc's arms.i smiled thinking about is the day he doesnt have to work.i get to finally spend time with him alone.i was just thinking about today and then he rolled on top of me.acting like he was asleep.i laughed.*roc get off of me.*i shook my body trying to 'wake him up'.he woke up and looked at me.*hi.
roc royal-hey.when did i get on top of you?
brea-funny.get off of me.*he laughed and kissed my cheek.when he walked to the bathroom.i heard the shower going off.i realized he doesnt have clothes here.i got up and picked out my clothes for today.i felt arms wrap around my waist and a chin on my shoulder.i turned around and saw roc in just a towel around his waist.*baby did you forget something important?
roc royal-sadly yes.can you get me some clothes from my apartment?*i laughed and shook my head.*

brea-you are silly.i''ll get them.dont mess up my room ok?*he nodded his head.i walked to his room with his key and grabbed my favorite outfit of his which is over there>>>> with a pair of blue boxers and without the hat.i walked back in my room and saw him under the covers asleep.i walked over to him and tried to see if he was naked but he grabbed my hand and flipped me on the bed.then he got on top of me and held my hands above my head.*baby what's up with you?
roc royal-nothing i'm sorry.*he leaned down and kissed me.he let go of my hands and i pulled him close to me.he held me by my waist.i felt his dick through my pj shorts.we kissed for a long time then someone came in my room without knocking.*
******-yall getting freaky already.*it was danielle.he pulled away and rolled off of me but kept the cover above his waist.*
brea-danielle shut up and get out.*i got out of bed and put roc's clothes next to him.then i grabbed my outfit and went to the shower.when i was done i walked in my room,lotioned up as much as i could with my clothes on and walked with roc to the kitchen.everyone was in the kitchen eating french toast.we grabbed a plate and had a few laughs.all the boys was off.danielle was spending time with princeton,prodigy was spending time with jessica(waitress name),ray is going to the mall to find a girl and of course roc is with me.when we were done with breakfast we went to the park.we walked through the park and just talked.we saw the woods.*want to walk in the woods?*he looked at me.*
roc royal-sure come on.not too far because we need to find our way out.*i nodded my head and ran into the woods.he chased after me.*you like the woods?
brea-yea.i just like the trees.*he nodded his head and grabbed my hand.then we walked 10 feet in the woods and then we walked back to the park.*i'm hungry.
roc royal-what do you want to eat?
brea-ice cream?
roc royal-you have a sweet tooth.
brea-yes.*we walked to his car and then he drove to dairy queen.i got cookie dough ice cream and he got hot fudge with brownie pieces over vanilla ice cream.we sat down to eat our ice cream.we were talking and having a good seat is facing the door so i looked at the door and saw chris coming inside.i turned my head to roc and tried to not be noticed by chris.*
roc royal-what's wrong?
brea-nothing.*i ate my ice cream and looked at the door again.chris looked at me and smiled.fuck!i turned my head hoping he wouldnt come over and talk to me.*
chris-hey brea.i keep running into you.
brea-hi chris.chris this is my boyfriend roc royal.roc this is my friend chris.*they looked at each other and theyre expressions showed that they somethings up.*
chris-nice to meet you roc royal.
roc royal-wish i could say the same.brea you ready to go?*i noded my head and got up to leave with roc.*
chris-see you later brea.*i nodded my head.then i walked with roc out of the door.we hopped in his car and drove in silence so i turned the radio on.he drove to the apartment.when we were outside of the building i turned the radio down.*
brea-what is he to you?
roc royal-who?
brea-roc dont do that to me.*he took a deep breath.*
roc royal-i dont want to seem like a controling asshole but i dont want you to have any contact with him.
roc royal-lets just say he's bad news.
brea-can you look at me?*he looked in my eyes.*what are you to each other?
roc royal-i cant tell you that.
roc royal-its going to open a discussion we dont need to talk about.
brea-but we need to talk.
roc royal-look.can we not go there today.i just dont want you around me on that.*i stared in his eyes and then i shook my head and got out of the car.i walked up to my apartment and closed the door behind me.what is the deal with them?*
brea-danielle!*no answer.*danny!princeton!*no answer still.i changed into some sweatpants and a tank top.i heard a knock at the door.i got up and answered the was roc royal.*what's up?or we cant talk about that?
roc royal-brea i dont want to fight today.i just want to be with you as a boyfriend should with his girlfriend.
brea-boyfriends and girlfriends talk to each dont want to talk to me about this so why should i?*he was going to say something then he shook his head and turned around.i grabbed his arm and he turned around.*tell me.*i stared in his eyes.he bit his lip.*
roc royal-i cant.
brea-then go.*i let him go.*
roc royal-brea are you serious?*i nodded my head,pushed him out the door and closed it.i heard a knock at the door.i knew it was him so i didnt answer it.i got a text.i looked at said'bre open the door.'it was roc of course.i said' dont want to talk.''please.i dont want you mad at me.:(''no.''stop being stubborn'i said'im not being stubborn im being me.huge diff'he said'im sorry.just please open the door.'i got up and opened the door.he walked in and pulled me in his arms.i stared in his eyes.*i'm sorry.*i saw so much truth and love in his eyes.*
brea-i'm sorry for leaving you outside.*he nodded his head and kissed my head.i pulled him to kiss my lips.i havent kissed him all day except this morning.he kissed me a little passionately then i pulled away from him and i bit my lip.*lets watch a movie.*he nodded his head and we walked in my room and watched friday the 13th.the first one.i fell asleep on his chest in the middle of the movie.*

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