start of our new lives :)

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brea-*i woke up in the backseat of a car.i thought about all the events that happened last night and i smiled.roc royal basically rescued me from my wicked foster father.i sat up and saw ray asleep in the front seat and roc driving.*

roc royal-hey sleepy head.*he smiled.*

brea-hi.what time is it?

roc royal-i dont know.check your phone.*i pulled out my phone and looked at the time.*

brea-its 10am.*he nodded his head.*how long have you been driving?

roc royal-2 hours.every few hours me and ray would trade on driving.

brea-of course.i thought i was sitting in the front?

roc royal-you were asleep so i carried you to the back seat so you could lay down.

brea-where are we going?

roc royal-its this town called ramsville.its only 2 more hours until we get there. you want me to sit up front to keep you company?

roc royal-*he smiled.*sure.*he pulled over and put ray in the backseat and i moved to the front.*did you sleep ok?

brea-as ok as a person that sleeps in a car.

roc royal-well we're almost there.we have an apartment in the town so if you want when we get there you can go to sleep in a bed. you move a lot?

roc royal-yes.

brea-does any of your parents come with?

****-no.*i turned around and saw ray ray laying down with his eyes cracked open.*

brea-good morning ray ray.

ray ray-hey's it going?

brea-ok i guess.

ray ray-that's nice.*he turned his head and went back to sleep.i shook my head and smiled.*

brea-that's your best friend.

roc royal-sad but true.*we kept talking the whole ride to the apartment.*

danielle's pov

danielle-*i woke up and saw prodigy driving and princeton sleeping in the front seat.i forgot that i agreed to come on the trip with them.i only agreed for brea and because i want to be with princeton.he is super have to agree with me though.*hi prodigy.*i smiled and stretched.*

prodigy-hey danielle.

princeton-hey danielle.

danielle-hi princeton.can i drive for a little while?

prodigy-sure.i'm going to sleep.*he pulled over and we switched seats.i started driving after roc royal.prodigy went to sleep  in the backseat instantly.*

danielle-so i heard that you like me.

princeton-you heard right.

danielle-well i like you too.

princeton-so does that mean your willing to go on a date with me tonight?

danielle-*i smiled.*yes.what time?

princeton-how about 8?


princeton-ok.i'll come get you.

danielle-ok.*we kept talking until we got to this town called and brea shared an apartment,roc royal and ray ray shared one and prodigy and princeton shared one.each apartment had two bedrooms so no one had to sleep together.*

brea's pov

brea-*i got my stuff and unpacked in my room.when i was done i laid in bed thinking about how much my life has changed in one night.i heard  a knock at my door.*come in!*it was danny.*hey girl.

danielle-i need you to help me get ready for my date tonight.

brea-ok with who?

danielle-princeton.*i jumped up smiling.i was really happy for her.i helped her get dressed in a tight black dress with black heels.i curled her hair and put some lip gloss on her.*well i'm set to go.have fun with roc.

brea-ok?*she left and i sat on the couch watching love and other drugs in purple sweat pants and a white tank the middle of the movie someone started knocking on the door so i got up to answer was roc royal.*hey bae.*he walked in and kissed me sweetly.*

roc royal-hey.nice sweatpants.

brea-shut up.what you want?

roc royal-to hang with my girl thats all.

brea-sure.*i sat on the couch and he sat next to me.he put his arm on the back of the couch.*

roc royal-what are you watching?

brea-love and other dont have to watch this with me.

roc royal-i want to.*he pulled me in his arms and we watched the movie.i woke up tucked in my bed.i must have fell asleep on roc and he tucked me how sweet of him.i smiled,rolled over and went back to sleep thinking about him.*

thats roc royal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

thats roc royal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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