paying my debt

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brea pov

brea-*i opened my eyes and saw roc getting dressed.*where are you going?

roc royal-i have to pay the money today.

brea-stay with me please.

roc royal-i have to go.ill be back i promise.*i nodded my head and laid down.i watched him put on his sneakers and cologne.he walked over to me and kissed my head.*i love you.

brea-i love you too.come back soon.

roc royal-of course.*he walked out of my room and i just turned on the tv.i heard the front door close and my heart dropped.please let him come back safe and sound.*

roc royal pov

roc royal-*i sat in the passenger seat of princeton's car.i looked at the picture i had of brea.*

princeton-were getting back to them.i know that for a fact.

roc royal-we dont have all of the money prince.he's gonna come back.

princeton-by the time his fat,lazy ass finds out we could be across the world with the girls.

roc royal-i guess.i need to be in one place and a house for her.

princeton-i do too.were almost out.

roc royal-i hope you're right.*i looked up and saw the big rusty ass house he lives in.prince parked the car and we walked inside the house.we walked upstairs and his guards were in front of the door.they patted us down and let us in the room.we walked up and saw him eating pancakes and sausage.*here's the money.*i threw it on the table.he looked at it and smiled.his name is george.*

george-well well well.look at my boys.its all there?


roc royal-can we go now?

george-how are those girls doing?*my whole mood switched up then.*

princeton-were not here to talk about got your money now leave us alone.

george-if all the money not there im coming for those girls boys.yalls and ray and prod's.understand me?

roc royal and princeton-yea.

george-now get out.*we both walked out of the house.i got in the drivers seat and drove 100 miles per housr to get home.when i got there i parked and locked the and princeton ran to the girls apartment and banged on the door.danny came to the door and i walked past her.i saw brea standing near the tv so i walked over to her and hugged her tight.she hugged me back and i pulled her tighter.*

brea-whats wrong?*i shook my head and i loosened my grip on her and placed my head on hers.*

roc royal-were getting out of here and were settling in a real house and having a real family.*she stared in my eyes and i smiled.*

brea-are you serious?*i nodded my head.she smiled and kissed me.i pulled her closer to me and held her close.*i love you roc royal.

roc royal-i love you too brea.*i kissed her head and hugged her for awhile longer just happy to have her in my arms.after that we sat on the couch with danny and princeton.after a while of watching tv i heard her yawn.*come on.lets go to bed.

brea-im fine.

roc royal-you dont have to lie to me.come on.*i got up and she didnt get up so i picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.when i got to her room i laid her on her bed and took her shoes off.i heard her yawn again.*you want me to stay tonight?*she nodded her head so i took my shirt off and laid in bed with her.she cuddled into me and fell asleep instantly.i kissed her head and stared at her.i can actually see myself having kids with her,a family,a house and being happy.i smiled at the thoughts and fell asleep.*

thats george>>>>>>>

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