i love you

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brea-*i woke up with roc's arms still wrapped around me.i poked him in his side and he opened his eyes.*hi sleeping beauty.*i smiled at him.*

roc royal-good morning.*he smiled and kissed my head.*i fell alseep on you?


roc royal-i'm sorry.i'll make it up to you.

brea-you dont have to.lets just say its payback for all the times i fell asleep on you.*he chuckled.then his phone started ringing.*

i need it straight off the boat i get it straight off the boat.

roc royal-hello?.........ok.i'll be there in an hour........you'll live..........ok bye.i have to go.


roc royal-i have 30 minutes to spend with you right now.what do you want to do?

brea-i dont know.you want me to make you breakfast?

roc royal-that would be perfect.*he made a big grin on his face.we got up and walked to the kitchen.danielle was sitting on the couch watching tv.*

danielle-why is roc here?

brea-he spent the night.*she made a big grin on her face.*not like that nasty.he fell asleep.

danielle-roc that always kills the moment.*then she started laughing.*

roc royal-funny danny funny.did princeton tell that to you?*he made a big smile.*

brea-play nice children.im making breakfast.what you want danny?



roc royal-same.

brea-how many?

roc and danny-2.

brea-cool.*i started cooking pancakes for all of us.then the boys came in the room so i made pancakes for them too.*

boys and danny-thank you brea!

brea-yea.every last one of yall owe me.*roc got up and kissed my head.*

roc royal-i'll call you later.

brea-ok.*him and the rest of the boys walked out of the door.*you want to go to the mall?

danielle-sure.let go.*we got dressed and drove to the mall.i put on black shorts with a pink tank top,black flips and a pink hoodie.danny had on a green tank top with black shorts,black converses and green hoodie.we walked around for about an hour then when we were in hot topic i saw the guy from last night.he looked at me and smiled.i turned away from him hoping he wouldnt do anything and boy was i wrong because when i turned back around he was standing right behind me.*

*****-hi stranger.i never got your name last night.

brea-that makes two of us.

******-my names chris.what's yours?

brea-brea.*he stared in my eyes and his were hazel but more green than brown.*

chris-nice to meet you.who are you here with?

brea-my best friend.*i turned around and saw her at the cash register.*

chris-how come your never with your boyfriend?

brea-he has to work a lot so i cant spend much time with him.

chris-o.well that sucks.

brea-yea.i have to go.*i walked up to danny.*you ready to go?


chris-brea!can i buy you something?you know.as a memoir.

brea-my boyfriend wouldnt like that.

*****-chris.we bout to go.hello ladies.hey i remeber you.danielle right.

danielle-yea i remember you too trent.

trent-we should get together sometime.

danielle-i cant i have a boyfriend remember.

trent-well i thought i made it pretty clear that i didnt care.*he looked her up and down and she bit her lip.time to go!*

brea-its been nice seeing you guys again but we have to do a little bit more shopping.

chris-why you trying to leave so bad?are you scared brea?

brea-i'm not scared.i just want to stay faithful to my boyrfriend.*i grabbed danny's hand and walked to the next store.someone grabbed my hand ad when i turned around i saw that it was chris.*

chris-i didnt mean to upset you.can we just be friends?i really like you.

brea-i dont know.

chris-please?*he stared in my eyes and i just couldnt say no.*

brea-ok.*someone phone started ringing.*

we touch i feel the rush.we clutch it isnt much but its enough to make me wonder whats in store for us its lust its torturous.

danielle-hello?......hey baby......we're at the mall..............ok i'll talk to you when you get back......ok..

brea-whats up?

danielle-no he was just checking on us.

brea-o ok.*we shopped a little longer with trent and chris.they werent flirting with us so it was easier to be around them.*well we better get going.its been fun.

chris-yea.*he put something in my bag.*to remember me by.*he whispered that in my ear.then he kissed me on my cheek and winked at me.i got a little turned on by that.*

brea-danny!*she walked over to me and we drove to the apartment.*he brought me this.*it was a diamond necklace with a diamond heart on it.* 

danielle-trent brought me this.*a diamond bracelet with a heart on it.*

brea-we have to give these back.

danielle-how?we dont know where to go to give them back.

brea-we have to do something with them.*we heard someone knocking on the door so we put the gifts in a bag and i put it in my room in the closet and danny got the door.i walked back to the living room and saw all the boys.*hey boys.*roc walked over to me and kissed me.*

roc royal-tomorrow i dont have to work so you want to hang out?

brea-yes.are you sure?do i have to take your phone from you?*he chuckled.*

roc royal-no you dont.i need to spend time with you.are yall hungry?

danny and brea-starved.

prodigy-come on we're going out to eat.*we all went to a restarant and when we sat down i saw that the waitress was flirting with prodigy.he was flirting back with her.*i'm going to go to the bathroom.

brea-sure.*i said under my breath.after dinner we went to the apartment and roc went to his and princeton came to me and danny's.whe i changed into my pjs and got in bed,i got a text from roc.he said'hey baby'i said'hi boo''u miss me''not really:p'he said'thats cold.i got u tomorrow'i said'i love u''u sure?'he asked'yes''all jokes aside.'he said.i had to think bout it'yes.all jokes aside.''i love u 2'i said'yay!'he said'lol.u want me 2 come up?''y''2 keep u company'i said'idk''r u tryin 2 make me beg?'i said'maybe:)''really._.''no.come up'he said'ok.come 2 the door.'i got up and answered the door.he was walking down the hall.thats how close we are to each other.*hey bae.*he kissed and hugged me.*we walked in my room and talked in the dark.*so you love me?

roc royal-yes.remember i bang wit you the long way.*i laughed.he really try to talk hood to me.*

brea-baby stop talking hood ard.

roc-only for you.*he smiled and stared in my eyes.*i love you.

brea-i love you too.*he kissed me sweetly and then we went to sleep.*

thats trent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

Smile:A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now