a date huh?

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brea-*i woke up at 5am.i ran downstairs and started making breakfast for my dad.he's not my real dad by the way he's a foster dad.my parents didnt want me and he did so im stuck with him.when i was making the sausage he was walking down the stairs.*hi dad.

dad-hi sweetie.*i fixed him a plate and sat it in front of him.we made small talk and then he grabbed his stuff and walked out of the door.i started cleaning the dishes and i saw i had 10 minutes so i ran upstairs put on black skinnies,white tank top,jean vest and some short heel boots.i grabbed my bookbag and started walking really fast to school.when i walked through the gates of my school i saw danielle with 4 other people.when i walked closer i noticed it was the boys roc royal,princeton,ray ray and prodigy.*umm.danielle?
danielle-you remember them from the fight?
brea-yea.why are they here?
roc royal-well were going to school here for about a month.
brea-o.well isnt that great.
roc roayl-why do i get the feeling that you dont like me?*he sat on a table that was in front of me.*
brea-its not that.
roc royal-then what is it?i didnt do anything to disrespect you did i?*i shook my head no.he looked in my eyes and i put my head down.he moved his fingers under my chin and tilted my head up.*do you have a boyfriend?*i shook my head no.then looked down.*can you talk to me?*he lifted my chin up.the bell rang so i grabbed my bag and walked to class.why does he want to know so much about me?im not that damn special.after school i was walking out of the school yard and he kept yelling my name.i was trying my best to ignore him because i was running late but he kept yelling my name so i turned around to see what he wanted.*

brea-yes roc?

roc royal-i was wondering if i could take you on a date.
brea-why do you want to take me on a date?
roc royal-i really like you and i want to know more about you.please i really want to take you on a date.
brea-my dad doesnt let me date.
roc royal-he dont have to know.
brea-roc royal please.i have to get home.
roc royal-say yes and i will leave you alone.
brea-yes.*he walked away and i ran home.i started cooking dinner as fast as i could but it wasnt fast enough because when my dad got home he slapped me and i fell to the ground.i held my cheek and i felt blood and a cut.he had on his ring this time.*
dad-i tell you to do simple stuff and you cant do that.what's wrong with you?
brea-dad i'm*he kicked and punched me.*
dad-did i tell you to speak.*i just stayed on the ground quiet.he yelled at me about cleaning and stuff then he beat me for 10 minutes straight.when he was done he got a beer and went to bed.i got up and started cleaning the house.i was crying while cleaning.this sucks.i really need to get away or something needs to change because i dont know how much longer i can go on.*

aint this what you came for.dont you wish you came oh.girl what youre playing for.come on let me kiss that.ooh i know that you miss that.what's wrong, let me fix that.twist that.

i heard my phone ring.it was an unknown number so out of curiousity i anwered it.*

brea-hello?*my voice was sounded cracked.*
roc royal-brea.its roc.are you ok?*i cleared my throat.*
brea-yea.how did you get my number?
roc royal-danielle gave me your number after school.i wanted to talk about our date but you dont sound too good.
brea-i'm sorry.
roc royal-you dont need to apologize.are you ok?do you want me to get you?
brea-no.i'm fine.what about the date?
roc royal-i was going to surprise you tomorrow night at 8.is that good?
brea-yea.i have to be home by 10.
roc royal-ok.see ya then.
brea-ok.*i hung up the phone and finished cleaning.when i was done i put on blue shorts and a white tank top for bed.when my head hit the pill a tear spilled and i went to sleep.*

let me know what you think.thats danielle/danny>>>>>>

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