our first date

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brea-*i woke up this morning and looked at the time.it was 5am.today is saturday.i got up and started cooking breakfast for my dad like always.i cooked eggs,toast,bacon and scrapple.*hi dad.*i sat the food in front of him.*
dad-hi brea.*i poured him a cup of coffee.*
brea-what are your plans for today?*i smiled pleasantly even though i wanted to bash his head in with a skillet.*
dad-going to work.what are you doing today?
brea-i have no plans right now.
dad-ok.*he finished eating then he went to work.i cleaned the dishes.

i am smoking on that gas.life should be on cinamax.movie brought my boo bigger tits and a bigger ass.

i heard my phone ring but this time i knew who it was.i looked at the name and of course it was roc royal.*
brea-hey.roc royal.
roc royal-hey.umm can we hang today?if your not doing anything.
brea-um..ok.is it just us or are we going with friends?
roc royal-just us.remember the date.
brea-ok well what time do you want me ready?
roc royal-in an hour.
brea-ok.do you know where i live?
roc royal-yea.
brea-danielle told you.
roc royal-of course.i'll call you when i'm outside.*he hung up and i went to get ready for the date.then i called my dad.im wearing this>>>>>>>>>*
brea-hi dad can i go to danielle's house today?i'll be back by 9.
dad-............ok.you better not be lying to me.
brea-i'm not thank you.*i hung up the phone.

you think im just too serious i think your full of shit.my head is spinning so blow me one last kiss.

 my phone rung.it was a text from roc royal it said 'i'm outside:)'i grabbed my purse and walked to his car.i hoped in and he drove off.*so where are we going?

roc royal-that is confidential information.*i smiled and shook my head.we started talking about other stuff the whole ride to wherever we were going.when he stopped we were at the beach.i didnt recognize this beach though.*

brea-i dont have a bathing suit.
roc royal-well there's a shore so i can buy you one.
brea-you dont have to buy me one
roc royal-i insist.come on.*we walked to the boardwalk and looked at the swimsuits.i picked one and like he said he paid for it.we swam all day and just played around like we knew each other for years.when it was around 6 the people on the beach had a bonfire so we just joined in.someone was singing i will waiy for you so he pulled me to dance.while we were slow dancing i had butterflies in my stomach.i couldnt stop blushing and smiling at this point.*i must be doing something right because you havent stopped smiling yet.*he smirked at me*
brea-i guess you are doimg something right then.*i smiled at him.he stared in my eyes and kissed me sweetly.*well this date has been absolutely perfect.
roc royal-great.what time do you have to be home?
brea-9 but i told my dad i was with danielle so you have to drive me to her house and i have to ask her to drive me home.by the way i think she likes princeton.
roc royal-he likes her so if she likes him i wouldnt be surprised and it would be good for the both of them.
brea-well its 8 so we should be heading back now.*he nodded his head then he kissed me.he drove me to danny's house then she drove me home.when i walked in the house my dad started beating me for not putting the dishes away.he beat me for 15 minutes straight.when he was done he grabbed a beer and walked upstairs leaving me on the floor crying.i heard my phone ring while i was still crying.i didnt answer the first 2 times.i heard my phone beep meaning i had a voicemail waiting so i listened to the voicemail.it was roc royal.he said'hey um its me roc.i called you and obviously you didnt answer.is there something wrong?did i do something?please let me know.'the message ended.then he called me right after i was done listening to it and i answered this time.*its not your fault.*my voice sounded horrible.it was all cracked and dry and nasty sounding.*
roc royal-come to your window.*he hung up and i walked to my window.he was standing on the pavement looking up at me.he waved at me and smiled a little.i opened my window.*can i come up?*i nodded my head.he started climbing up the side of my house to get to my window.while he was climbing up the house i locked my door so my dad wouldnt get in.when i turned away from my door and roc royal was standing right in my face.i jumped a little away from him in shock.*why were you crying?*he pulled me in for a hug and i started crying on his chest.he whispered sweet things in my ear.after a while i stopped crying and i put my head on his shoulder.we're now sitting on my bed in silence and darkness but the moon is putting some light into my room.*do you want to talk?*i shook my head no.he just rubbed my arm.

shorty so fine pussy so fresh diced pineapples that my baby tastes the best i nearly lost my mind,guess it was a test swept her off her feet and went and brought her ass a lex.

his phone started ringing.he looked at his phone and then he looked at me.*i have to go but if you want to talk i'll be a phone call away.*i nodded my head.he grabbed my chin and pecked my lips then he climbed out my window.when he was gone i put on black shorts and a red tee shirt for bed and went to
sleep when my face hit the pillow.he is really sweet to me.:)*

Smile:A Roc Royal Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now