a visit with the devil

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brea-*i woke up feeling pain in my legs.i smiled and rolled over.i sat up and ran my hand through my hair and felt that it was tangled.i got out of bed and combed my hair.when i was finally done roc walked in the room with a tray full of food in his hands.he had on a pair of black boxers and blue basketball shorts.i turned around and smiled.*good morning.

roc royal-good morning.you look lovely.*he smirked.i looked down and noticed i was still naked.*

brea-i had to comb my hair.*i walked over to the bed ad laid down.he sat the tray on the dresser and grabbed a shirt for me.i put it on and we sat in bed eating breakfast.after breakfast i turned to him and smiled.*

roc royal-whats up?

brea-i never thought that we would be this happy.

roc royal-well im glad your happy.*he leaned over and pecked my lips.he got up and started getting dressed in jeans,a shirt and his jays.*

brea-where are you going?

roc royal-work.

brea-you can wear that to work?

roc royal-yup.*he got up and sat in front of me.i looked at him and he stared at me.*you know i love you right?

brea-yup.i love you too.

roc royal-be careful ok?*i nodded my head.i pulled me to kiss him sweetly.*ill see you two later.*i was confused for a second then i remembered that i was pregnant.*

brea-bye baby.

roc royal-bye.*he stood up then he paused,turned around,gently pushed me on my back and kissed my stomach.i giggled while he was kissing my stomach.he moved his head up to my face.*ok now im leaving.i didnt want to leave with kissing the baby.*i nodded my head and he kissed me.he got up and walked out of the bedroom door.i laid there just smiling to myself.after a while i got up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower.i put on blue shorts and his black shirt with some socks.i walked downstairs and watched tv on the couch.i heard a knock at my door.i got up and saw some 6 foot tall muscle man a t my door.he had green eyes and short hair.he was kind of cute but he was realy serious.*

brea-can i help you?

*****-are you brea?*i nodded my head.*can you come with me please?

brea-whats wrong?*he grabbed my hand and i snatched it away.*whats wrong?*he grabbed me by my arm and threw me over his shoulder.he pushed me in the back of a car.i sat there and looked at the man in the dark.*

*****-so youre roc royal's wife.

brea-im not his wife.who are you?

*****-my name is george.your boyfriend owes me money.

brea-how much money?

george-3 thousand dollars.

brea-wow thats a lot.

george-tell him he has 3 days to get my money.if he dont have it then you both will be seeing more of me.got it?*i nodded my head.the door opened and i stepped out.i walked up the steps to my house and walked in.i closed the door and slid down the door.what has roc been hiding from me?i got up and grabbed my phone.i had to call him now.*

roc royal-hey baby.

brea-roc we need to talk.

roc royal-well i cant right now.can we when i get home?

brea-roc i need you home now.

roc royal-is it that important?


roc royal-ok.ill be there in 15 minutes.ok?

brea-ok.*i hung up the phone and sat on the couch.exactly 15 minutes later i heard the door open.he walked over to me and sat next to me on the couch.i turned to face him.*

roc royal-whats up?

brea-does the name george ring any bells?*he stared at me confused and then his expression turned unreadable.*

roc royal-did he hurt you?

brea-not really.why do you owe him 3g?

roc royal-me and the boys owed him from our drug deal days.we didnt have all the cash but we were hoping his fat ass wouldnt find out.

brea-well he did and you have 3 days to figure it out or he's harming all of us.

roc royal-i wont let him touch you.

brea-i know youll try.*i looked down and he moved my chin up.*

roc royal-he wont touch you.i promise.hes not hurting you or our baby.i promised you that i was going to protect you and i will.you know i keep my promises to you.*he rubbed my cheek.*

brea-where do you work?

roc royal-you dont need to know.


roc royal-just know that im not dealing.

brea-fine.leave.*i got up and walked to the kitchen.he got up and walked behind me.he grabbed my waist and kept me still.*

roc royal-i love you.you know that right?*i nodded my head.he pulled me closer to him and held me from behind.one arm was around my shoulders and the other was on my stomach.we stood there like that for a minute then i moved away from him.*

brea-go to work.*i looked in his eyes and he nodded his head.he walked out of the front door and i laid on the couch thinking about everything.he really lied to me.i shook my head and walked to my room.i called danny because i was bored.we got off the phone when roc got home.*

roc royal-who was that?


roc royal-true.did you make dinner?*i shook my head no.*good i want to take you out to a nice place.

brea-you sure?*he nodded his head and kissed my lips.*

roc royal-come on.we have to get dressed up.*i nodded my head and went to get ready in this>>>>>>>>when we were both ready we went to this italian restaraunt.we had a lot of laughs then we went to a show that was 20 blocks away.the show was about a girl cheating on her husband and she didnt want to tell him and some crazy stuff happens.after that we went to the beach and just watched the waves.*how was tonight?

brea-beautiful.i loved it very much but it still doesnt take my mind off of you owing money.

roc royal-let me worry about that ok?*i nodded my head and then i got up and walked to the car.he followed me and got in the drivers seat.he started driving home.when we got home i took the clothes off and got in bed with bra and panties on.*

brea-im not mad im just tired.*he nodded his head and got in bed with out his shirt.i fell asleep on rocs chest.*

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