56. sneaky eve

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*any christmas song of your choosing*

Lou's POV

Christmas is tomorrow and I'm excited. I am spending today with my friends and tomorrow with my family.

I've already sent my gift and mailed it to my mother's new address in New York. I luckily got Christina for secret Santa and bought her a new camera to film with. Last week I finally found a gift that was worthy to give to Daniel. Am I nervous he will still not like it? Yes.

I know Daniel isn't the one I got but I wanted to give him a present anyway. Other than just spending time with him in his bed there's more to Christmas spirit than staying cooped up in bed with loved ones.

"Mmm good morning," I whisper in his ear and he slightly moves closer to me. His arm snakes its way around my waist pulling my body closer to his. The window exposes the early sun onto his face revealing how flawless he is.

"What time is it?" He groans rubbing his eyes before pulling the end of the covers over his bare shoulder trapping the warm inside and the heat of our bodies.

"Almost eight o'clock," I laugh checking my phone on the nightstand before plugging it back in. I turn around, my hair all in my face before I push it away on the silk pillows.

"Why so early baby?" He asks and the sound of him calling me that makes my stomach flutter with butterflies.

"We have that party tonight and I have to make cookies."

He rasps, "Your leaving my bed too early."

"It wasn't my intention to wake you but if I snuck out you'd end up coming to find me and dragging me back into these sheets." I smile reaching my hand out towards his face to let my nail slide over his tear duct to remove the sleep dust.

"Come 'ere," he pulls the front of the covers up letting me writhe my way on top of his chest before he releases the covers and holds me close and tight.

"Now you'll never leave." He smirks and I let out a tiny chuckle before kissing him. Lacing more pecks down his neck and jaw.

"What if I told you I have a gift for you?" I ask him. His face contorts into multiple emotions before he starts to reply to me.

"You didn't need to get me a gift Louise," he pauses, "You're the only thing I want for Christmas." His morning voice makes his words sound even better. The pink and red crawls across my cheeks before I can calm myself down Daniel kisses my forehead.

"Are you just saying that to get into my pants tonight?" I smirk at him and his mouth drops open in a sarcastic surprised manner.

"I would never," he exclaims, the lie is laced in his words which makes me giggle against his bare chest. My legs entwine with his, both of us wearing sweatpants while our cold feet touch each other. Wincing from the iced feeling.

"I'm gonna go and get ready for today," I murmur and he shakes his head pulling me and holding me against him to the point where I'm pinned.

"Daniel," I whine.

"The cookies will be cold by the time we get there, don't make them just yet." He kisses my temple as his warm forearms around my back touch the skin exposed between the band of my pants and the end of my red athelia knit top.

"You should help me make them." I ask, "You joke about how bad my cooking is so maybe you can give me a hand." I offer and Daniel nods telling me we can get up in twenty minutes.

I've gotten used to staying at Daniel's place. I don't exactly live here but I've been spending a bunch of time on his couch or in the music room listening to tracks of his recordings.

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