63. i believe in us

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So, tell me how to be in this world
Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt
Tell me how 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us
Tell me when the light goes out
That even in the dark we will find a way out
Tell me now 'cause I believe in something
I believe in us

Third POV

Either Daniel was being a complete idiot or allowing himself to love the world and who he was. He remembered the days he scrolled through Pinterest for hours. Finding quotes that explained to him what lyrics he could create. One of them being you have to learn to love yourself before you love someone else.

For some reason, he knew from his gut that what this was, was right. He knew Lou didn't like the idea from the look on her face. He could tell she cried for days. He knew she didn't want to accept the fact that he would be moving so far away...yet he didn't even tell her it was on the west coast. He thought it would be better if she didn't know where...and he was right.

Louise stayed up three days straight getting her clothes, and everything out of Daniel's apartment they used to call home away from home. She gathered everything and put it back into her original apartment with Kayla.

Lou was devastated but wasn't hopeless. She continued to think of Daniel every day and every night. Thinking of their small moments, the gifts, the dates, the trips. Truth be told she could never stop thinking about him. Her entire world revolved around him. That gave her the pain that some part of her believed what he was doing was the only option.

Part of her wanted him just as much as he wanted her...but the other half of each had the horrible consideration that leaving was for the best.

Daniel got his transfer letter back in the mail. It marked February 11th on his calendar. That was the day he was to pack up and move on with his life. Joining his sister and brothers in California, attending The University of California in Berkeley. He would pursue in music hoping that the things he sent it would get him into the music program along with his music scholarship.

Daniel's life was taking a turn on the edge. For better or for worse he agreed that it has for the best. Moving on, searching for himself, getting a job, following his dream...Daniel wanted to accomplish that. Only a part wanted Lou to be by his side as he did.

Louise on the other hand was intensely tearing down her walls. She sat in the bathtub without water just writing poem after poem. Singing and strumming on her ukulele and guitar. Lost herself in the sway of the beat.

She took showers multiple times a day just to cry and sob without having Kayla come in and comfort her. Louise was broken on the bathroom floor the day before she spent seventy-two hours awake.

Alone on the bathroom floor claiming she would pick herself up and get everything in her life together. The first day she spent rearranging her room and cleaning it. The second day she spent getting her nails done by Chan. She made them shorter to more of her liking. She took care of her skin, hair, and appearance. Lastly, on the third day, she called her father, mother, and friends. She told Porter, Nick, Logan, Sam, Tucker, Brenna, and Aidan what happened. They all comforted her, texting her sweet messages throughout the day.

Logan and Nick were coming over on the fourteenth to help move Nick into a room at 501 Estates. Logan made the bold decision to submit a letter to UNC and see if he could get himself in early this upcoming spring.

Lou was glad her friends were coming to join her after knowing some would branch out and leave elsewhere. Lou was mostly excited because she had known them all for so long that she could be as comfortable as she pleased.

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