Hang on pt1 (7/21/20)

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It was a quarter past nine, and my shift had just ended. I work for a magazine company, more specifically I am one of the many editors. I typically just read, fix, and report all day. I mean I am not complaining. I love gossip magazines, it is just so entertaining. Monday through Friday I have the same schedule, wake up, begin my day, head into work, then clock the fuck out at nine. But something had felt different, my bosses were being more secretive and seemed to have a cloud over their heads. The two of them were always in one of their offices talking for hours at a time.

"What do you think is going on there y/n, maybe the company is going under" my best friend Aviva wondered.

"Girl if we get fired I have no idea what i'm going to do. But I bet we are fine, they are probably just discussing a new brand deal or something"

"I hope you are right y/n"

After Aviva and I had our quick conversation we decided we should get back to work. Her job was a bit more important, she was actually one of the writers. I sat back down at my cubicle and went through article after article. It had felt like twenty years had passed, but thankfully it was now my lunch break. I began to walk out of the editors lounge, when all of the sudden I heard one of my bosses...

"Listen up everybody, recently we have been receiving a bit of hate mail, but it has twisted into threats. We are all unaware as to who is mailing it in, but we all advise you to be cautious, and we will be increasing security."

"What type of threats are we talking about, how concerned should I be?" one of my co workers yelled.

"We are advised to keep it confidential, but it is concerning enough that we are getting the FBI involved. Okay now that we have that cleared up, please continue as you normally would."

I walked back to my desk, shivering in fear. The agony of not knowing what could happen. I ran all of the possibilities through my head. 'What if a bomb goes off, or a deadly gas is released into the building' I thought nervously.

Bosses POV

After the two bosses gave their safety announcement they retreated back into their office and continued discussing.

"What are we going to do now, just wait like sitting ducks?" the founder, Henry stated.

"I mean we already called the FBI, and they should be here later today." the other said.

"This is extremely concerning, we have never had such a serious incident like this"

" Yes we are all thinking the worst right now, but statistically how many psychos follow up with their plan anyways, I mean he can't be serious about shooting this place up"

y/n POV

After I finished my shift I began packing up my bag. Then in an instant screams come flooding through the building. I quickly turned my head towards the entrance and I made direct eye contact with 'him'. He was a shooter, he had followed up on his treats. 'But why here, why us, and is he going to hurt us' I desperately wondered.

"ALL OF YOU ON THE FLOOR NOW" the man fiercely yelled.

I scurried behind a random desk trying to get as far away from the shooter as possible. As soon as I curled up under the desk, I went ahead and had called 911, praying that they would notify the FBI, or at least that they would find out. The man was rambling on about how he felt betrayed, and how we depicted his wrong. 

He then proceeded to hit me, I edited an article that was written about him. His name was Steven Merv, an actor, and we wrote about his recent affair with his assistant. I mean the article wasn't even 'that bad' I mean we just put in some photos of his assistant and him eating at a restaurant, and got her statement along with his (now) ex wife. But in all honesty if you are going to slip your dick into someone else take responsibility, don't get mad when you get caught. Then bullets begin to soar.

 I tried my very best to stay quiet and to not draw attention to me. Cries began to fill the room, and in the corner of my eye, I saw Steven. He yanked me by my hair and held his gun right next to my head. Over my loud cries for help, I hear sirens and a wave of relief crashes onto me. For him to prove a point he lowered his gun down by my waist and shot me. Without the ability to fall, my body draped onto Steven's body. By that point I was going in and out, just trying my best to hang on and stay awake. Shortly after the doors are kicked in and all I can focus on is a tall, handsome man with his gun held up.

"I am Dr. Spencer Reid with the FBI a part of the BAU, I mean no harm, I just want all of these people to be let out safely" he ever so calmly said.

"I am not going to jail, and I want them to pull the story they published about me" he said with a quiver in his throat.

"Okay okay, I am sure we can work something out, I trust that you won't hurt anyone, so I am going to slowly put away my gun" Dr. Reid said

Trying to see through the clouds in my eyes, I see a whole team of FBI agents waiting for the next move. I stay extremely calm just hoping that I make it out. In that moment, right after I finish my thought I feel another bullet tear my flesh again. Instantly another one of the FBI members shot Steven down. I fall right next to him. Both of our blood pooling together. My eyes slowly blinking as I see Dr. Reid hovering over my body, I see his soft pouty lips moving but all I hear is a constant ring in my ear. I blink and then all of the sudden I am in an ambulance wondering if I will ever see the light of day again. 

AN: Umm, basically just enjoy it -Peaches


-Spencer Reids personal slut:)

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