Stripper Love (08/07/2020)

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The BAU had been given their newest case, in Las Vegas. The unsub was predicted to be a stripper, who was killing clients, who were married and had children. The BAU had never worked on a case like this, and lacked much information.

"Wheels up in thirty" Emily said


The team landed, and when they arrived at the police station they were set up in a private conference room. The team began discussing and strategizing. They ultimately decided they needed help from the inside. Yes, they wanted to get information, and more knowledge from a stripper.

Emily had decided that Spencer would be the one going into a strip club along with Morgan. She was hoping that if Spencer went, his eidetic memory can catch things that no one else could.

"Hey pretty boy, are you excited to look at some pole dancers?" Morgan tried to say through his laughs.

"We are there for our job, not for personal reasons" Spencer tried to hide back his blushing cheeks.

"Before you go, ask for Diamond, she volunteered to help, but you need to book a private room. She said she would only help if she was able to stay anonymous"

Morgan and Spencer arrived at Sexy Girls 4 You. Anyone could tell that Spencer was uncomfortable, he was avoiding eye contact and fidgeting with his hands.

The two of them walked through the double doors. The bodyguards eyes them down looking at Morgan's casual t-shirt and jeans, while Spencer wore a white button up, tie, a cardigan, and a pair of slacks. No one could even tell they worked for the FBI.

Morgan walked up to the front desk, "Hot stuff, my friend and I were looking to book a private room with Diamond"

The woman at the front desk led Morgan and Spencer to the back, it then turned into a hall where doors were lined up on either side. Spencer and Morgan took a seat. The room was fairly small, there was a couch with three cushions, and a small stage in the middle of the room, and on the ceiling there was a small disco ball.

Spencer and Morgan had been sitting there awkwardly, until suddenly Diamond walked in. She had a perfect hourglass case. She was wearing a red lacy nightgown and a thong set. It fit her perfectly, her breasts were full and her ass was thick. Her long curly hair flowed down all the way to her lower back. The disco light shined so beautifully against her dark complexion.

Spencer's mouth was on the floor, he thought she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. While Morgan had a grin on his face from ear to ear.

"So what can I do for you boys?" Diamond said with a seductive voice, which Spencer was falling for, by the second.

"W- we are with the FBI, more specifically, the BAU. I am Spencer, and this is Morgan" Spencer tried to spit out

"Oh hi! Well then you both can call me y/n" y/n went to shake their hands. Morgan reciprocated instantly. y/n then proceed to try and shake Spencer's hand

"Sorry I don't shake hands, it is actually safer to kiss someone-" Morgan then proceeded to cut Spencer off.

"So y/n, we were wondering if you could answer some questions for us" Morgan asked in a professional manner.

"Yes of course, ask away" at this point y/n was sitting on the floor, with her legs bent to the right.

y/n had already been in contact with Emily, and knew what was going on to an extent. "My biggest question is how would our unsub know who to target" Reid asked

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