Recovery (08/07/2020)

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Spencer was out in the field, chasing after an unsub. The chase was through an ally that connected between many buildings. The unsub was fast but Spencer was right on his tail, even through each turn and hurdle.

To Spencer's surprise, the unsub had a gun, Spencer noticed this as the unsub made a jump and his shirt blew up a bit, revealing his revolver. A few seconds later the unsub made a sharp turn, Spencer following him. Then a bullet went flying


Spencer was on the ground, blood flooding down his left leg. He began to doze off hearing yells from his fellow teammates. Spencer was still conscious, he was just struggling to obtain what was happening.

Paramedics arrived almost immediately, and as soon as they did they loaded Spencer up into the ambulance, and sped off to the nearest hospital. Spencer was moaning in pain, as the paramedics attempted to wrap up his gunshot wound.

Spencer arrived at the hospital in under ten minutes. He was wheeled in, nurses surrounding his gurney. He overheard one of the ER doctors mentioning emergency surgery, and how his kneecap is partially destroyed.

Hours had passed until Spencer had woken up in his hospital room. He opened his eyes, and to his heart felt at peace, his entire team was there, waiting. Penelope squealed with happiness, and felt relieved that her friend had woken up. Spencer tried to talk through his weak voice.

"So guys did you at least catch the guy that shot me?" Spencer hopefully asked.

"Pretty boy, of course we got him, he ended up hitting a dead end" Morgan explained.

They all began asking Spencer questions about what he saw, did he see the light. Spencer had denied all paranormal or after life experiences. Their friendly conversation ended bluntly when the Doctor walked in.

"Spencer, I have some information about your recovery, would you prefer to talk alone?" Ms.Clarkson, the Doctor asked.

"No they can stay, they ARE my family"

"Okay, well the surgery was successful, and you are expected to make a full recovery" The team begins to smile and show signs of excitement.

"BUT your recovery time line is at least a year. See no matter how successful the surgery could have been, part of your knee cap had to be completely reconstructed. So this means no walking for quite some time" Ms.Clarkson said in a professional manner, avoiding to allow any emotion in her statement.


Spencer's recovery process had begun.

It had been three weeks since the surgery, and he was then sent to a live in physical therapy retreat. Spencer preferred this rather than having someone come to his home, it was safer, and Scientifically proven that when recovering it is better to be around people in a similar situation.

His first day in the new facility he met everyone who had also just recently been checked in, and Spencer had also received a mentor, to show him the ropes for the first few days, her name was y/n.

Spencer was wheeled into his room and was given a pair of crutches. He then started putting away his belongings, since he was going to be there a while.

"Hiya Spencer, I'm y/n, your mentor" She was standing by his door propped up on crutches.

Spencer seemed to be cut off guard because he let out a little scream.
"Hi! Nice to meet you, and thank you for helping me"

"Don't thank me, we are in this together" she points to her knee and says "knee recovery buddies"

They sat on Spencer's bed, discussing expectations, and rules for the facility. y/n told Spencer practically everything she knew about the facility. She kept repeating the key parts of the information, not knowing that he has an eidetic memory.

They ended up spending every free moment of the day together, they got so close, so close that they requested physical therapy together. The two of them became inseparable.

Spencer was in his room and it was almost visiting hours, his team came fairly frequently, at least once a week (when they weren't on a case). He had gotten up using his crutches, and put on an outfit, struggled, but was still able to change.

"Oh poor thing you look so pale, are they feeding you enough here?" Penelope asked with a concerned tone

"Yes they feed me just fine here" Penelope hands Spencer a get well soon card that the whole team has signed. Spencer received one every time he had a visit. His face always lit up when reading their kind messages.

"Thank you guys, truly, it means so much to me" Spencer's eyes began to tear up.

"Well of course pumpkin! We are a family." Penelope gave him a tight hug, as she too began to cry.

They both shared to each other what had been happening in their lives. Just so they both knew that the other was okay. Until suddenly

"Spence I ne -" y/n had realized she was interrupting, when she walked into Spencer's room.

"OOOOO so who may this be" Penelope could sense the romantic tension a mile away

"Penelope, this is y/n and y/n this is Penelope, we work in the BAU together" Spencer calmly said

"Oh nice to meet you! Spence I will be in my room. Come find me when you are free"

y/n hobbled away on her crutches after Spencer had given her a nod in agreement.

"SPENCER WHO IS THAT, AND WHEN IS YOUR WEDDING" Penelope wanted every detail.

"Penelope we are just friends, and besides even if I wanted more, y/n is way out of my league"

"Spencer you are a total catch, you are adorable, smart, caring, and have the best smile, what's not to love. If chocolate thunder and I weren't a thing, we might have been in another world" she ended it jokingly.

They discussed y/n until Penelope had received a call from Hotch, something about a new case.

As soon as Penelope left, Spencer checked himself in his mirror, brushed his teeth, and sprayed a bit of cologne. When he was done, he scooted his way to y/n's room.

"Spence you made it!" y/n was excited and Spencer noticed

"Yes! So, what did you need to tell me?" Spencer was nervous to ask, maybe he had done something?

"Before I say anything, I want you to understand that I value our friendship and that is forever but" y/n tried to think of the right words. "Spence I- I like you, like more than a friend"

Spencer looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Soryy i shouldnt have said anything" y/n began to feel so stupid, of course he didnt like her, he was too good for her.

"NO. Well um. I like you too. I just had no idea you liked me."

y/n got up and gave Spencer a hug and a small kiss. As she pulled away Spencer gently grabbed her neck and pulled her in for another kiss. But first he asked her

"Is this ok"

"Spence of course this is ok, and as soon as we get out of here, we are going to my place and"

Spencer closed the gap between them and they shared a passionate kiss. Their tongues ever so softly touched. It was perfect. They both felt the happiest they had been in awhile.

"Well y/n I cant wait for us to get out of here then" Spencer said with a smirk on his face.


-Dr. Sexy, aka Matthew Gray Gubler's wife

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