I'm Sorry pt1 (7/23/20)

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Every day, same as the last. I haven't smiled in weeks, and the last time I did, it was because I saw a beautiful butterfly soaring around a park. Things have just been so bad since my last break up. We were only dating for a few months but all he did was use me.

'I'm done with men' I thought to myself

This new coffee shop just recently opened up and I had been wanting to go. So I made it my mission to immediately rush over as soon as I woke up. It was called 'The Lunacorn Cafe'. Thankfully it was only a block away, so I got there fairly quick, so quick that I got there before it even opened. I was already not feeling too hot so I just waited out in front until it opened, which took about 8 minutes. 

I was the first one there, when the doors opened I walked straight to the counter. The room filled my nostrils with joy. After I ordered a black coffee, I moved to the side to wait for my drink. As my eyes roam around the room, I suddenly see a tall, and very handsome man. Our eyes locked instantly, his gaze was just so welcoming I couldn't resist. I felt as though we were staring for hours, I had to turn away and act as though that didn't happen. Taking me out of a state of joy and curiosity I all of the sudden hear

"A black coffee for y/n" a small pause "oh and a black coffee for Dr.Reid"

We both walk over to the counter and we meet at the same time. He smells like a cozy library on a rainy day. His hair so effortlessly flops over his eyes. I give a small little smile.

"It's nice seeing other people enjoy the taste of straight black coffee, you know without all of the add-ons" you say with a smile.

"Exactly my thought. Pleasure to meet you, I'm Dr.Reid. What's your name?"

"I am y/n, and no the pleasure is all mine"

Both Dr.Reid and I walked out of the cafe and to both of our shock we walked in the same direction once we had left. With a bit of awkward silence as you walk on the sidewalk, you then lift your head from looking at the floor to Dr.Reid. Our eyes met once again. At the end of the sidewalk it breaks two ways. you started walking to the left as he walked to the right. The feeling of misery submerged my body.

"This may be a bit straight forward y/n but would you like to get coffee again sometime"

"You read my mind! Wait before you go let me give you my number"

I wrote my number on the napkin I used to hold around my cup. As I wrote 696-969-6969 he was staring at me the entire time. After you handed him the napkin, you both parted our ways, not knowing that your whole life has been changed. Your whole walk back home you kept replaying that moment in your mind. Thinking that maybe he was, did I dare think it, yes, the one? 

When I arrived at my house I instantly called my best friend, Harlow. I told her everything, now with both of us excited we in a jokingly way started planning my future wedding, but deep down I was hoping it wouldn't be a joke for long. Following our conversation I headed into work, I am a journalist so my schedule is always a bit interesting, to say the least. My day was fantastic, and it kept getting better. When I was strolling back home Dr.Reid called me.

"Hello, I know I'm supposed to wait a day or two befor I call, but would you like to get coffee tomorrow?" Dr.Reid quickly blurted out

"Dr.Reid hi, I am so glad you called, and yes I would be more delighted to go"

"No please call me Spencer, and fantastic, are you free tomorrow, same time?

"I sure am I will see you time"

Overjoyed, I began planning outfits in my head. Should I dress casual, formal, oh so many options. 'Oh I know! I could wear my jeans and a formal-ish top' I thought to myself. My heart raced at the mere thought of seeing him again. It really was the perfect day, I met a man and he wanted to see me again, me.

The next morning

I had hopped out of bed, excited for my date. Heart pounding, nervous chills, the whole package. I decided on wearing a light wash pair of jeans, white sneakers, and a floral blouse. I began wandering over to the cafe, I saw him. Reid standing by the door, he turned his head, and we smiled at each other. When I walked up to him he so politely opened the door and we both ordered our drinks. After we picked up our coffees, we decided to walk around a nearby park, and learn as much as we could about each other. The date was perfect.

We had dated for a few months, both dying to see each other whenever there was a chance. Reid was such a gentleman, even if he had a bad day he would try his best to hide it, but you always knew and wanted to fix it.

Reid had been working on an extremely difficult case, which he was absolutely tired of. He was a serial killer who would kidnap women, hold them for two weeks, do god knows what, then strangle them. This case frustrated Reid, they have been trying to catch him for over a month, and the killer already has 13 murders on record. 

After a few weeks had passed, the BAU got extremely close to catching the killer. At this point they were calling him the Tweeker (two weeker). With Reids amazing brain, he found out where the killer was located, but something went wrong, somehow the Tweeker found out, almost like he was stalking the BAU. The same day the BAU realized their identity was being jeopardized they all received protection, but only Reid and his team. Reid called me to let me know that he wanted to distance himself from me for a bit, to ensure my safety.

"Hey y/n i have some upsetting news but we should take a break, and when I say break I only mean to be distant for a while"

Before I could say a word

"Its- its just that this serial killer has started to target the BAU, and I do not want you to be involved"

"Reid! Will you be ok?"

"Dont worry about me, i will be fine, i just want to keep you safe"

Tears started to run down my cheeks, I know that it was temporary. But the mere thought of Reid being in trouble paralized me. I knew that it came with the job, but I want my tall lanky squish ball to be safe.

I was walking back to my home and I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I was just walking past the parking garage, so I had put it behind me. That was a big mistake. I felt a damp rag around my mouth. I tried to squirm away but I quickly passed out.

I slowly woke up, chained to a pole, to what looked like in the middle of a basement. Alone for the time being, I tried to read my surroundings. 'I really home Spencer finds me' I so desperately thought.

Reid's POV

I walked into the BAU office ready to work on the case. My co worker Emily says, guys we have news on the case. It looks as though the killer has sent us a video.

Emily plays the video in front of the entire team

The video started with a man wearing a ski mask saying 'this is for Dr.Reid. I have a little friend with me' then the camera is pointed on y/n'

Reid had bursted into tears, the rest of his team confused, asked him why. He explained how the girl in the video, y/n, was his girlfriend.

The video ended with the killer said they only have a week until y/n is killed, rather than two.

Reid began to sway in his seat and scream "Im sorry!!" over and over again. Until snapping out and realizing what had to be done, he had to find y/n.


-Spencers Pipe cleaner

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