XXX Shop (09/11/2020)

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AN: ok so this one is kinda smutty but not really so warning, also it is in diary form so if you don't like that you might want to skip this one

Entry 235, 09/11/2020 wow it's been a while since i've updated my diary

Sixty nine days

That is how many days I had been single since my ex dumped me. Sixty nine days ago Chad dumped me for Emily. Like I mean I fell out of love so it was not too bad when he cut the cord, but still how fucking rude.

Well that is all besides the point, I had to make some adjustments, I moved out into my own apartment and really focused on my blog. And yes before you are like 'ew a blog', yes I make bank, so shut your broke ass up.

I continued to post daily lifestyle posts, it truly consumed all of my time, but it was all I had.

Me time was not really a thing, I mean I loved working to an extent, but I never did anything fun. Chad made me distance myself from all of my friends so I was all alone once we broke up. Or not completely, I still had Biggie, Biggie the Boner. That is what I called my dildo. We got v.e.r.y. close after the breakup.

One night I was you know doing my thing with Biggie the Boner and then he went out on me. And midway too, so I was like 'fuck'. If you have ever had to experience this, you know the struggle. I scurried to my kitchen and grabbed some new batteries, but the damn thing did not turn on. So I had to execute plan B. The shower.

Ok since this is my diary, girl you already know what went down, i'll skip over the shower part.

Entry 236, 09/12/2020

Ok so yesterday I had a bit of a problem, so after I finished posting my 'healthier substitutes' post to my blog I decided to go shopping. No, not to Chanel, to the Sex Shop hehe.

I had been to a few Sex shops before so I knew where to go. It was only a ten minute drive, I lived in Las Vegas so there are quite a few. Then I saw it, my second home, I mean not literally, I rarely went, but still, I was glad to be there.

I walked it and saw Jewels, she was always there, she must have been the manager or something. We always give a quick wave and I continued on with my shopping.

I was browsing down the aisles, until I found the dildo wall. There were so many options, Biggie the Boner was pink and well shaped like a penis, so this time I thought I should get something different. My eyes landed on a purple bead like dildo. It was about 7 inches and had a vibrator built in. I quickly grabbed it off of the shelf and slipped it into my bag.

As I was walking back down the aisle, headed to the cash register I bumped into a tall man. I must have really shoved him because he dropped all of his items.

"I am so sorry, here let me help" I then bent down and helped pick up his items. I might add, he was kinky, he had a leash, a whip, and some random flavored lube bottles.

"No it was my fault, I am so sorry." He also bent down and helped pick up the items. He was so beautiful, or should I say hot, I don't know, all I do know, I wanted to jump his bones right there.

As we both began to stand back up, he got a glance into my bag.

"Nice choice, purple is my favorite color" I am not sure if he was joking or if I just did not realize that was kinda creepy to say, but that red flag was looking a little orange, I mean come on, if you saw him, you would die on spot.

"Um thank you?"

"Oh my, I am sorry, I, I just get flustered when I see someone attractive" In that moment I was like fuck me, he thinks Im hot too? Me? Baby, does he need to go to the doctor and get a check up?

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