Daddy Issues and Dilaudid (10/20/2020)

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The last step for Spencer was to get clearance from his therapist. After Tobias kidnapping and torturing him, he needed a psychological evaluation and clearance from a therapist. Every Friday he would see Dr. Florie, and every week he would try and say he was fine. Dr. Florie and Spencer were making progress, but he was still leaving up his walls.

Spencer waited patiently in the waiting room, reading In Cold Blood. He understood that he had to go but he just did not feel comfortable opening up to Dr. Florie. He has always struggled with his emotions, he always believed that it rooted from his early caretaking for his mother.

"In Cold Blood, nice choice." y/n said as she began to place her bag down beside her chair.

"Thanks" Spencer seemed to be caught off guard. He had never interacted with anyone in the waiting room before. There was an awkward tension between the two. She took a seat opposite of Spencer across the room. Every so often they would glance up at each other, almost hoping they would catch the other looking.

"Dr. Reid" Dr. Florie called over Spencer for his appointment, he had never been so relieved to see Dr. Florie. But as he was following Dr. Florie, he heard another doctor from the waiting room. "y/f/n y/l/n, so nice to meet you, I am Dr. Davis"

Spencer had already made a mental note that the mystery girl in the waiting room was y/n. He was confused though, she seemed so polite and almost happy. 'Why is she here?' He was not sure, but he wanted to find out.


The following Friday

Spencer was back in the waiting room, just hoping y/n would have an appointment as well. y/n fascinated Spencer, he thought she was perfect. He felt connected. Then to his luck she showed up. y/n truly did care about others opinions. Whenever she went out she would typically wear jeans and a long sleeve top. She wanted to blend in but look presentable. But y/n caught Spencer's gaze, he believed that she was the most stunning woman he had ever seen.

"Hi y/n, I'm Spencer" Spencer greeted her as she walked in, but realized she had never introduced herself properly. y/n was obviously uncomfortable.

"Hi" y/n was very blunt and avoided all contact. She was confused as to how she knew her name.

Spencer quickly realized he had made her uncomfortable, based on her body behavior. He quickly tried to explain himself.

"Sorry, I overheard your doctor call your name last week"

"Oh, ahah kinda scared me there, but yes nice to officially meet you I am y/n" She gave a hint of sarcasm on officially.

y/n sat down in her usual seat, and they both sat there in the waiting room there together in silence, until they were each called into their rooms separately.


It was finally their thirteenth encounter and they would consider each of them friendly acquaintances. Every Friday they would wait in the lobby together and even began coming to their sessions early just to spend a few more minutes together. Spencer had been planning to ask y/n out on a date, but he did not know anything about her. He was not even sure if she was single.

Throughout his entire session with Dr. Florie, he was jittery and was obviously flustered. Spencer was just trying to figure out how he would ask her out. He wasn't sure if she would leave before or after him but he decided that he would wait in the lobby, just in case if he had gotten out before her.

Spencer was sitting in his usual seat going over all of the possible outcomes in his head. Every second he was getting more and more anxious. He had come to the conclusion that she will eithe tell him to fuck off, or she would be interested.

Spencer Reid one shots :) [Spencer ReidxReader]Where stories live. Discover now