Office Shenanigans (08/13/2020)

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Working within the FBI, everyone felt some sort of friendship with their co-workers. There were rarely any arguments, everyone got along nicely. y/n worked in the overseas department, but still works in the same building as the BAU.

The majority of the staff for the FBI would have a routine, and Spencer would always remember. Spencer would make note of the people who walk into the office when he does, or who is in the breakroom, he took note of it all.

y/n was running late one day to work, and had a stressed look on her face. She was the last one into the office, as she ran towards the elevator, she realized she was going to miss it. But she didn't, Spencer had stopped the door from closing and gave y/n a smile. y/n scurried into the elevator, trying to find an open spot.

"So why are u late today?" Spencer politely asked

"Ummm" y/n making sure he was talking to her "well funny thing, or I guess not so funny. My dishwasher began to leak, so I called a plummer, BUT he was going to take a while so I waited for one of my friends to come by, and she will wait for the plummer and let him or her in"

"Oh wow I am so sorry, hopefully it is an easy fix" He seemed concerned, it was nice, y/n had only interacted with him one previous time, and it was on a case, so they barely talked.

"Me too Dr.Reid, me too" y/n said with a little giggle

"No please call me spencer"


The elevator stopped on y/n's level, she gave Spencer a small nod and was on her merry way. She had never thought about the idea of dating or even crushing Spencer until that moment. y/n liked how he cared, and noticed she was late. Yes, it is in a way a creepy stalkerey thing to do, but she liked the idea of being protected and watched.

y/n walked over to her desk and waved down her "best office friend", Kelo.

"Hey do you know anything about Dr.Reid" y/n trying to sound professional

"Bitch, no way, him, you like him?! Isn't he the nerd guy?" Kelo was hysterically laughing at this point.

"Well, um, ya I do actually. He is really sweet, and now that I think about it... really handsome" y/n trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

Spencer's POV

"Pretty boy why do you have a big smile on your face? Morgan begging to know what was going on.

"It's nothing Morgan I swear, I just talked to someone while waiting in the elevator."

"OOOOOOO, PENELOPE!!! Check the elevator cameras for me real quick?"

"Anything for you chocolate thunder"

Penelope was skimming through the footage and as soon as she saw Spencer from the corner of the elevator, talking to a woman she squealed.

Spencer was blushing bright red, the thought of his team profiling him, and realizing he had a tiny crush scared him. He had never felt this way for someone, this was all uncharted territory for Spencer.

Penelope and Morgan went around the office sharing the news, causing more attention to be brought towards Spencer. Everyone agreed that they would be an adorable couple, and tried to give Spencer dating advice. It seemed as though Penelope already had the wedding planned.

Morgan leaned over to Penelope, while she leaned against a desk. No one else had heard or even noticed, but Morgan planned to go and make sure y/n knew that Spencer liked her. Wingman activated.

Morgan took the elevator down to y/n's level, ready to set two love birds up. He walked into her department's office center.

"Hey, does anyone know where y/n is?" Morgan said with a firm voice

"Hi, I'm Kelo, she is out for her lunch break. Should I pass on a message?"

"Well I was hoping to tell her, but I guess could you tell her that Spencer has a bit of a crush on y/n?"

"NO WAY! She was talking about him this morning. She likes him too!" Kelo was happily surprised by the news.

"You know what we have to do right?" Morgan was already thinking of a plan

Kelo and Morgan sat down at a table together and strategized how to get them together. Running through plan after plan they found the perfect one. Morgan would plan to ask Spencer out to get coffee after work today to 'catch up'. Then Kelo would ask y/n out to the same coffee shop to spill tea. BUT Morgan and Kelo wouldn't show up.

y/n POV

The day went on smoothly, seemed like any typical day, except with a little Spencer daydreaming. When the day was done Kelo and y/n began to walk out of the office, when they reached their cars Kelo confirmed the coffee date.

"Let's dress up tonight y/n it would be a lot of fun!" Kelo trying not to break out in laughter and spill the news.

"Ummm okay! See you in thirty"

y/n drove home and winded down a bit. She only planned to get coffee later that night, so she decided to make a meal before she went. What meal did she make? You ask, well she decided to embrace her inner Gordan Ramsey and microwave a veggie patty and just eat it plain, without the bun.

After y/n finished her meal of champions she decided to get dressed. Kelo did say to dress fancy, so y/n not going to drop the ball. She decided on wearing a rust silky dress that ended by her calf, but dont worry it had a big slit on the side, to include that sexy side. The outfit was paired with black kitten heels, a gold knife necklace, chunky gold hoops and a black clutch. As for y/n's hair she just left her curls down, as it framed her face quite nicely.

y/n was ready. The coffee shop was only a few streets down from her apartment so she decided to walk. It was a pleasant walk, just the beginning of sunset so the lighting was amazing. y/n was tempted to take a selfie, but she hated dragging attention to herself in public when she was alone, #creepymen tings.

y/n made it to the coffee shop, walked inside and grabbed a booth. She texted Kelo 'I'm here bitch, please hurry, I look WAY too overdressed:)' then to her surprise Kelo texted back 'sorry girlie, I will not be attending, but someone else will'

y/n was floored, she was not feeling a blind date that night, especially if she had just told Kelo she was crushing for Spencer.

y/n felt a tap on her shoulder, she slowly turned around and her eyes met with Spencer's.

"Hey Morgan just texted me that he was not going to show, and said that he had set me up on a blind date. Well I-, um, are you the blind date?" Spencer trying to have a conversation

"I actually think so" y/n signalling Spencer to take a seat across from her. "My friend Kelo was supposed to show then said I was going to meet someone else..." Internally y/n was freaking out, because this is the exact person she wanted to see.

"Well I am not sure about you, but I am glad that you are the date" Spencer said

"Spencer I couldn't agree more." y/n said while she hopped her daydreams may come true.

Spencer and y/n continued their coffee date and told each other their deepest secrets, to what they had for breakfast that morning. They were a perfect pair. They both enjoyed gazing into eachothers eyes, and wondering how they got so lucky to even meet the person across from them. They both had finished their coffee, and it was getting late.

"Sooo, y/n would you like to go on another date with me later this week?" Spencer avoiding contact as he asked

"Is that even a question? I would love to!"  

AN: HEYYYY sorry it has been a while since I have posted! I hope that you are all doing well and are enjoying the one shots. 


A Hoe for Matthew Gray Gubler

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