KILL ALL MEN pt1 (08/20/2020)

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TW: Mentions of rape and assault, so please if you are not comfortable please skip!

Spencer's POV

"It's nice having a case close to home, I mean it is scary to think there is a serial killer in our backyard, but no long flight right?" Rossi said as he struggled to get his point across

"I see what you are saying," I said, and I agreed. One less flight is a plus in my book.

Reid, Rossi, and Morgan were on their way to the crime scene. There had been a series of murders in Quantico. So far there had been three deaths, all men who had been convicted rapists. The unsub, would shoot each one in the groin and then heart, always two shots and in the middle of a park.

So far the unsub would kill them in different parks, the only connection I was making was they were, men who had a rape charge against them, murdered in a park, same COD.

The BAU was called in right after the second murder.

"This unsub has a very short rest period, only a few hours. We need to act fast" I said as the three of us walked out of the large black vehicle.

"Couldn't agree more, Pretty Boy"

Morgan, Rossi, and I approached the rest of the team. The crime scene had already been cleared, but we were looking around for any indication if this was a team job. We only suspected because of how fast these killings were happening.

"I have a theory" I had to raise my voice a bit so that the entire team could hear

"Are you going to tell us" Hotch asked firmly

"I- uh yes, I think that our unsub had been raped herself and the system failed her. She felt unsafe, and that the world was against her, she thought she had to help other women" I confidently explained

"Well investigate that theory, Morgan call Penelope and ask her to make a list of all rape accusations in the past two years, around this area." Hotch ordered

"Yes sir" Morgan proceeded to call Penelope.



"Ughh now what" Spencer had been woken up by a call from Hotch.

"Sir it is 3:04 in the morning, what is going on" Spencer's voice was groggy and adjusting

"There has been a new body discovered, make your way over to the police station"

"Of course"

I quickly got ready, I had decided on wearing a white button up, a grey cardigan, black khakis, and a pair of black office shoes. After the look was complete, I gave myself a look in the mirror, brushed my teeth and I was off.

When I arrived at the police station, I saw my team in the conference room and made my way over. We began strategizing, and thinking of more explanations. We narrowed down Garcia's list, but it was still long, we went from 278 suspects to 73. We were able to narrow it down by age, location and most importantly who the rapist was.

Hours had passed, and the team was sent to go to the crime site and just examine the area.

When we arrived, we saw a mob, or more of a protest. There were 17 women who all had posters and were chanting. They kept repeating 'KILL ALL MEN'. I assumed they were there in support of our unsub.

Y/N's pov

"Great now the FBI is here" I annoyingly pointed out to my fellow friends

I understand how many people would judge me for supporting a murder, but she was saving us. I do not know who she is, but I respect her. I support the KAM movement because it is true. Would I go out and kill every man I see, no, but am I sad that these rapists got what they deserved, also no.

Spencer Reid one shots :) [Spencer ReidxReader]Where stories live. Discover now