Don't Touch My Man (08/05/2020)

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y/n had been waiting so patiently for this day. She had bought a ticket to meet her favorite author, D.B. Willow. y/n read all of her books, her favorite being her series on the affect standard household objects have on families. Everyone she knew believed that y/n was insane for enjoying her books.

y/n drove over to her local bookstore, her printed ticket in her bag. It was a fairly short drive, but it was enjoyable. y/n had her windows down and blasting "Part of your World" using the bluetooth in your car. Life was good.

She arrived at the bookstore, and found a parking spot right around the corner. Hopping out, grabbing her bag and phone, she did a little happy dance. So close to meeting one of her idols.

y/n strolled over to the bookstore entrance, to her surprise she saw a line. Most people would have been upset, but y/n was glad to see other people who appreciated D.B. Willow's work.

y/n walked to the back of the line with a smile plastered on her face. y/n was very friendly and outgoing, so in crowded situations, she would begin to socialize with the people near her.

To her luck there was a kind gentleman in front of her. y/n tapped on the man's shoulder.

"Hiya, super exciting to meet the one and only, right?" y/n asked with a friendly tone

It felt as though a millisecond had gone by, and the man had turned around. He had a perfectly molded face, tall and lanky yet was still toned, and the most adorable floppy hair which appeared to be getting extremely close to his eyes.

"Yes! Ever since I read How Does household products Affect your Home, I have been keeping an eye out for a book signing." you could tell he was excited just by the sparkle in his eyes.

"You have to be kidding me, that is my favorite series written by her, oh and I am y/n"

"It is a pleasure to meet you y/n, and I am Spencer"

The two of them began to talk about D.B. Willow and how thrilled they were to meet her, while they waited to pass time. In the short span of thirty minutes they would already consider each other friends, but y/n wanted more.

The doors swooshed open, everyone in line began to cheer and bounce up and down in excitement. Rather than creeping through the line behind Spencer, y/n was beside him.

y/n and Spencer were so close. Just inches away from the door. The couple in front of them, hand in hand walked up to the desk where the legend herself was seated. The couple chatted with D.B. Willow for a few minutes, had their books signed then left with an unforgettable smile on each of their faces.

Considering how y/n just met Spencer she decided to stay behind while he went in first. y/n watched Spencer's face light up when he had reached the desk. Willow had signed the book, but continued to socialize. They were talking for quite some time until her publicist decided to jump in and tell her to move on to the next person, y/n.

Finally the moment y/n had been waiting, the perfect time to tell Willow how much of an inspiration she was to her. But y/n was stunned when Willow had a cold tone when talking. y/n tried to ignore it and continue with here meet and greet, but it had almost felt like Willow missed talking to Spencer.

After a very short few minutes y/n walked off and was beginning to exit the building. She left through the back door, where people were directed to leave. As she stepped back outside the smell of dust and books vanished. To her left she saw Spencer, he had waited.

"Um i- I was wondering if you would like to get some coffee y/n?" Spencer nervously asked

"Spencer I would love too!"

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