Sexy but Dum (08/22/2020)

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Every saturday y/n and her best friend, Harlow would go jogging, it was their way to stay skinny like mariah carey. They would always say that they would push themselves, but after a mile they would somehow find a coffee shop then just walk around the neighborhood they were in.

"Okay I think we are good for today, we are just shy of a mile, but we can walk around after we get coffee" I told Harlow, as I panted from exhaustion.

"Sounds perfect bitch" Harlow was just as tired.

We spotted a coffee shop right across the street, it was the grand opening for, 'sips and drips'.

"Ooooo a new coffee shop, perfect" I was fascinated by the simplest things in life, you could show me a flower and I could describe how beautiful it is for hours.

The two bad bitches walked in, all eyes on us. Harlow and I just assumed everyone wanted to get with us (But in reality they looked like shit, their hair was all frizzy, their makeup smeared down from their sweat, and they were both in neon sports attire)

It could be 150 degrees outside and Harlow and I would always get the same type of beverage, a tall chai coffee, piping hot.

As we waited for our drinks we stood by the glass window. We were both obviously on our phones, but something drew my eyes to look out of the window.

"BITCHHHH" the entire cafe gave me rude stairs "LOOK over there at that park"

"y/n what is it now, a dog?" Harlow seemed unamused

"Um no, my future husband, look!"I had seen a man who looked like he had walked right out of a magazine. He was tall, floppy hair with waves, and even from across the street, I could tell he had a very sculpted face.

"EW! It looks like a crime scene over there" Harlow was right, I hadn't even noticed that there was caution tape and a white tarp on the floor. It was covering a body, and a tall class of handsome was hovering above it. But who cares, if dead bodies are his kink, that's fine by me, I could make it work. I mean look at him.

"Ohhh wait look another guy, just your type, muscular and buff" I tried to somehow distract Harlow

"Wait y/n, he is so hot"

"Lets go get our husbands" We ended up making a plan.

Basically we would wait in 'sips and dips' until it looked like they were about to head out, then we would run on over, then we both somehow trip at the same time. Here is the kicker, we fall right in front of them.

We both had our eyes dead locked on them for about forty minutes, our chai drinks were done, we were just waiting on them.

Finally, it looked like they were packing up. It was go time. We began to sprint out. We practically shattered the glass doors, from how fast we were moving.

One street to cross and then we would be there.

We had almost reached the sidewalk, when all of the sudden a car came speeding by and hit us both. We were both like a ragdoll flying in the air, except we felt every bit of the pain.

Harlow ended up being hit up, then falling onto the floor, me, well I was the 'special' one and I landed on the roof, rolled down, and fell onto the floor.

I was frozen, the only thing I could control were my eyes. And thank god for that, because I saw him. He had run over, for me, he wanted to care for me.

The rest was a blur, I just remember lights, then total darkness.



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