Sneaky P (09/09/2020)

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The BAU had recently started a new program where they have one intern at every FBI headquarters. y/n was fortunate enough to be chosen to partake in the program in Quantico. She had received a letter in the mail, a month a go and moved from Las Vegas.

y/n had lived in Las Vegas her entire life, so she was a bit homesick when she had first arrived. Every night she would cry into her pillow, and have her therapist on speed dial while she adjusted.

y/n's first day was right around the corner. She had finished moving into her apartment, still a few boxes around. y/n only had a few professional clothes on hand and needed to get a few new pieces. She looked online and found this adorable boutique, they sold professional clothes, yet colorful and fun designs at the same time. The shop was called 'Gail's office', y/n put the directions on her phone and began to walk.

"Hello, do you need any help looking for anything" a worker at the store asked y/n

"I'm okay but thank you" y/n was socially awkward, and she always hated it when she was greeted with a question in a store. She knew they were just doing her job, but it did not make her feel any less uncomfortable.

y/n roamed around the store until someone called her name. y/n was new she didn't know anyone here.

"y/n" a woman called out, when y/n turned around she saw a blonde woman in a very bright outfit.

"I'm sorry, this is embarrassing, but do... do I know you" the woman let out an 'ah' moment, realizing she knew y/n but y/n did not know her.

"Oh sugar I forgot, well I am Penelope, I am the Technical Analyst with the BAU." they shared a handshake.

"So nice to meet you! I can not wait to go into work tomorrow." y/n was trying her very best to seem polite, and to be friendly. It was just hard for her to show how she was feeling, especially in front of new people.

"Sweet pea you are going to love the team" Penelope and y/n roamed around the store both of them finding a whole new wardrobe. y/n really liked Penelope, she was kind and made her feel like they were friends.

Once they had both checked out, they left the sore and realized they were walking in opposite directions.

"Oh well, i'm going this way. It truly was nice meeting you Penelope, and I can't wait to work with you"

"Bye sweet cheeks!"

Y/n walked home with her nerves at ease, she was actually excited. When she arrived at her bare apartment, she quickly hung her clothes and began to wind down. She was preparing for her last night of total peace, before the crash of responsibility came over her.


'You're fine' 'you're a bad bitch' 'everything will be ok' y/n kept saying words of encouragement as she began to get ready for work. She had set her alarm for 6 am so that she had 30 minutes to 'wake up'

y/n finally pulled herself out of bed and turned her yellow kettle on. As she waited for the water to boil she poured herself a bowl of Reese's Puffs and milk, and chowed down until the kettle began to whistle. y/n poured the piping hot water into her good luck mug, it was a pink mug with a cat sitting. She then grabbed a random tea bag, let it seep, and stirred in 5 scoops of sugar, she had quite the sweet tooth.

After her breakfast y/n decided to get dressed. She wanted to wear something she just bought, the day before. She ended up wearing a black pair of slacks and a beautiful dark purple floral blouse. She paired the outfit with her blcak briefcase, and a pair of black louboutins. y/n received the louboutins from one of her many sugar daddies the previous year.

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