Hang on pt2 (7/21/20)

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All I hear are machines, people yelling and the sound of my bed being rolled into the operating room. I begin to regain some of my hearing.

"Hello dont worry you are safe now" a kind nurse said

"Could you tell us your name, do you have any allergies?" another concerned nurse asked

I tried my hardest to speak but the words were just stuck. I start to think that my name is creeping out, but no I just began to cough up blood. The warm blood ran down the side of my face and down to my neck. The nurses all in unison began to worry and pushed my bed faster. Once we arrive in the operating room the doctor places a mask over my face and all go dark within seconds.

3 hours later

Slowly I started to wake up. Internally I was jumping with joy and rejoicing by the fact that I have lived to see another day. I slowly try to push up my body so that I could sit up, but I am too sore and struggle. Then to my surprise Dr. Reid walked in, saying something about questioning. It was hard to hear him over those perfect puppy eyes. But I try not to embarrass myself too much just because I already look like a wreck. Following Dr. Reid his partner, he introduced himself as Morgan both began to question and get informed of what happened in the office.

"Please let us know if you need a break, but for the moment we have some questions for you y/n, let's start. Can you walk us through what happened." Morgan politely asked.

With a very quiet voice I began "Well it was a typical day at work until just before I was going on my lunch break. My two bosses had an announcement for us, and they explained how our company had been receiving threats. They said they did not know from who. We tried to ask what he had threatened, but they said they had to keep it confidential, so when Steven came in with a gun we were all shocked. Sorry I am jumping around"

"No do not apologize, take all the time you need" Dr. Reid said

"Thank you, then after my bosses finished the announcement, we went back to work. Time passed by, but right before I was going to leave Steven comes in. I- I- , sorry, then I tried hiding under a desk. And at one point he just grabbed me by my hair then shot me. And then shot me again once you all arrived."

"Do you have any particular reason as to why he targeted you y/n?" Morgan asked.

"Well the original writer for the article he wrote retired, and I just assumed that I was the closest person he could blame. I was the one who edited it. And all of this information is public, so he could have easily found a picture of me."

Then I began to doze off a bit and I asked if we could pick back up later. They agreed and said they would be back early tomorrow. Mornings are not my favorite, but if it meant seeing Dr. Reid, it would all be worth it. Morgan and Dr. Reid began to leave the room, but then Morgan stopped Dr. Reid right outside the door.

"Hold up pretty boy, now I know why you wanted to come do questioning with me. You have a crush on y/n!"

"Oh please shut up, I do not" Dr. Reid said as he started blushing

"Sureeee, tell me that again on your wedding day"

As I hear their footsteps fade into the distance, my smile is from ear to ear. Maybe he had a crush on me, just as I did for him? I start to drift into my dreams. Every second is just me replaying the images of Dr. Reid. Wow I was crushing, hard. I began to think that maybe there was a possibility for Dr. Reid and I. Immediately after my Doctor discharged me, I directly went over to the BAU and brought multiple cups of coffee and some pastries as a thank you.

"Hi! How are you doing y/n?" Dr. Reid happily asked

"I feel like a billion bucks"

After I said my thank yous to everyone a part of the BAU I began to head out. Dr. Reid then abruptly ended his conversation with Morgan when he noticed I was leaving. He did this cute little sprint over to the elevator, where I was.

"Hey wait up you can't leave yet!" Dr. Reid squeaked

"Sorry! I just assumed you all had a new case or something important to do"

"Well I will always make time for you"

"Oh really... Dr. Reid?"

"Call me Spence, and yes i am serious. Now coffee?"

"It's a date"

AN: Thank you for reading:)


-A Simp for Spencer Reid

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