Thank god for the party (08/03/2020)

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y/n lived in a fairly nice neighborhood, everyone was friendly, the streets filled with children playing, all of the houses filled with happiness, or at least most. It had been a little over a year since y/n's husband, Kace, had died. He was fairly older, y/n was 24 while he was 62. When Kace passed y/n was the only person in his will, she inherited all of his fortune and his properties.

It took y/n a while to adjust to her new life, one without Kace, but she knew she had to move on. He would have wanted her to be happy.

One of y/n's neighbors was Davis Rossi. They had gotten close considering they would see each other all the time, and go to each other's houses for events. y/n was just fascinated by the fact that David worked for the FBI. y/n has always had an interest for true crime and truly enjoyed David's stories whenever they spoke.

As y/n was walking into her house one day David caught her attention while he was in his garden.

"Hey, y/n what are you doing this weekend?" David wondered

"Nothing, so what is going on?"

"I'm having a get together, I really think that is is time that my colleagues meet my fellow friends, and well I consider you a friend"

" David! I feel honored. I can not wait!"

"Great, I'll text you more details later."

y/n had been ecstatic. She had been to many of David's parties before, but never with his work colleagues. She was mainly looking forward to the idea of being in a room with a bunch of FBI agents.


y/n began to get dressed. She was unaware of the dress code so she decided to wear a chocolate silk dress. It complimented her dark skin and her curly hair. For her shoes, she slipped on a pair of black kitten heels. Her makeup was just a simple smokey eye.

When y/n was content, she sprayed some perfume, grabbed her black clutch and was out the door. She strolled up to David's house, it truly was beautiful, ginormous roses, a pebble path, everything was kept tidy.

Once y/n reached the door she let herself in, and the smell of pasta and deliciousness filled her nostrils. y/n made sight of David and strutted over to him.

"David thank you so much for having me"

"y/n the pleasure is mine"

He was talking to this very bubbly woman at the time. She had the most, um, interesting outfit. But she made it look good.

"Oh! I am being so rude y/n, this is my friend Penelope. Penelope this is y/n" David mentioned.

"y/n that is such a pretty name! It is nice to meet you" Penelope welcomely said

"Thank you! So how is it working with this guy" y/n pointed to David

The three of them have some small talk and then we disburse to talk to other people. y/n recognised many of her neighbors, but she already knew what was going in on their lives. So she decided to walk to the backyard and grab a drink.

She rested her arms on the counter, and asked for a Norina. y/n was not planning on getting drunk, she was a lightweight and quite frankly, did not love to drink. She looked to her left, seeing someone new, possibly one of David's work friends.

"Hi! You must work with David, my name is y/n by the way" y/n gave him a smile

"Um yes, how do you know that. And my name is Dr. Reid"

"Nice to meet you Dr. Reid. Well I have been to enough of these parties to know who lives here, and David has never invited his colleagues AND his neighbors to a party before." y/n explained.

Dr. Reid and y/n spent a lot of time together in the backyard. y/n was in awe of Dr. Reids brian. He told her stories of some cases, but she then drifted into a state of admiration. y/n was focused on Dr. Reids lips, they had a pink tint, and were plump. y/n felt as though she was with the hottest man alive. His brown hair flopped over his eyes as he looked at y/n. He had flawless, chiseled facial features, dark spots under his eyes, which y/n found cute, and a great personality.

"Hey pretty boy looks like you have found yourself a pretty girl." A man, who y/n assumed was also one of Davi's colleagues, yelled from across the yard.

"Go get em tiger, ooooooooo" Penelope said shortly after

Dr. Reid instantly turned bright red. Did he agree with them and think that y/n was pretty. They were both fairly attractive, Dr. Reid was tall and toned. And y/n had a perfect hourglass figure, golden brown skin, tight coils of hair. What's not to love, they both seemed perfect.

"I- I'm sorry about them, they must be drunk" Dr. Reid squeaked out, trying to remain calm, cool and collected.

"Don't apologize, and besides I kind of agree with them"

Dr. Reid's face began to look as though y/n was an alien.

"No seriously, I have had a great time talking to you Dr. Reid and I would be interested in seeing you again. I mean only if you want to" y/n softly asked

"Yes!" Dr. Reid blurted out, only then to realize he probably sounded a bit too excited. But that is how he felt. He was enjoying her company just as much as y/n.


y/n wandered back home around eleven. She thought the night was a success, she received Dr. Reids number. She just kept looking at his contact page, at the top it said Spencer. The mere thought of him made y/n smile from ear to ear.

The following day Spencer and y/n had planned to go out and get a cup of coffee from a local coffee shop. The set 'date' was for the following day at 5:30 p.m.. y/n could not contain her energy. She called her friend and got advice, considering this is her first date since her ex husband had died. y/n was excited, she needed this.

Two hours before the coffee date, y/n began to get ready firstly with a shower. Then she scrunched in her hair products, washed her face, and then proceeded into her room. Considering how this was a coffee date, y/n wanted to dress casual. She searched her entire closet to find an outfit that was just right. She decides on wearing a pair of light wash jeans and a tan tank top that was ribbed on either side, and then completed the look with a pair of white Nike air forces. Her makeup was minimal, only a dash of concealer here and there to cover her few blemishes.

As y/n was about to enter the coffee shop she heard Spencer from behind her.

"y/n Hi! You look beautiful"

"Well thank you! You don't look so bad yourself"

Spencer was dressed in a pair of black slacks, a white button up top, black tie, brown sweater vest, then to top it all off with a gray cardigan.

They both walked in, neither of them knew it at the time, but that was just the first of many dates.

AN: sometimes I cry thinking about how I will never be able to marry Matthew Gray Gubler


-A sexy simp for Spence

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