Manifestation (08/04/2020)

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Every day y/n would take her golden retriever, Randy, on a walk. y/n's typical route was around her neighborhood, and then to her local park. She has had Randy for about a year and knows the other dog owners very well.

Summer was finally ending, and Fall was now in transition. The leaves turning and the breeze cooling. Fall was y/n's favorite time of year, and halloween being her favorite holiday. y/n now had to start bundling up for her walks, as it got cooler out.

y/n was out walking Randy, she finally reached the park, grabbing out a ball, she began to throw it. Randy and y/n played for about forty minutes and then y/n decided they both needed a break. y/n was one of those over caring dog owners, and would treat Randy as a real human. y/n had brought a blanket,a dog bowl for water, and snacks for Randy.

As y/n was sitting on a park bench, her back hunched over, she spotted someone new. He must have been new, because she would have remembered seeing someone as fine as him. He had floppy brown hair that brushed right above his eyes, a perfectly chiseled face, and a tall lanky body.

The man had a small pug, y/n always loved pugs, she loved how chubby they were and their little legs. But then the pug started to run in y/n's direction.

"Luna! NO! Come back here!" The tall handsome man shouted, as he ran after his pug.

Luna had run up to Randy, they started sniffing each other's asses.

"Well they seem to be getting along" y/n giggled out

"Ya, it appears so" The man said with a grin from ear to ear.

y/n began to have butterflies, she was actually speaking to him, actually being noticed by him. y/n hasn't dated in awhile, she just hasn't found someone she was really interested in, of course she had been hit on on multiple occasions, but she neer wanted to pursue anything.

"So you must be new around here, I don't recognize you. Oh and im y/n by the way"

"Nice to meet you y/n, I am Spencer, and I am new here, or at least to this park, I just got Luna, so I thought I should take her out. But how do you know I am new?" Spencer wandered.

"Sorry that probably sounds a bit creepy, but I come here quite often and I know the regulars."

"Ohhh, well i'm sorry that Luna bothered you guys, well leave you and-"

"Randy" I interrupted

"Well Luna and I will leave you and Randy alone now"

"It was nice meeting you Spencer, If you ever need dog advice you know where to find me" We both waved our goodbyes

While Randy and y/n continued their break, y/n kept replaying her interaction with Spencer. He was the first person she felt a connection with, she thought it was ridiculous, they barely talked, but she liked the vibe he gave off. y/n secretly hoped that Spencer would start coming to the park regularly.

The night she met Spencer, she was in her living room with many candles lit, lights off, and she had a single piece of paper and a pen in front of her. She had decided she wanted to manifest a future with Spencer. y/n began chanting her intentions and then proceeded writing her desires. Once she had finished she lit the piece of paper on fire with the flame from a candle. She sat there knees to the floor, admiring the flame.

The following day y/n went back to the park, and sat on her usual bench. She played with Randy for a bit but then she and Randy were tired and sat back down again. That day Randy was wearing a cotton dog jacket that matched with y/n's. That wasn't unusual for y/n, she matched her outfit with Randy all the time, one of the many quirky things she did.

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