I'm sorry pt2 (7/27/20)

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I was so thirsty. My throat felt like a desert. Still unaware of how I got involved, I tried to keep myself together. Reid had told me that satists like it when their victims express fear, so I did not want to give him that satisfaction.

The man walked back into the room, not saying a word, he began to beat me, gave me some slashes, I thought it would never end. Then he took a polaroid photo of me and said 'ill add this to the collection'

I was there for days. Every day the same from the last. I got one meal per day, with one waterbottle, I had to ration every bite and every drop.

Shuffling sounds got louder as I saw the man appear. By this point I was so out of it, my eyes felt heavy.

"Ohhhh y/n i have great news, this wont be much longer" he said with an eery chuckle.

I tried to speak, tried to let him know that it wasn't too late and he could stop. But i couldn't, before I could let out a word he already had his hands wrapped around my neck.

Reid POV

"Guys we have to find her, lets run over every possible scenario" Morgan, one of Spencers colleagues said. The team had been trying everything, sent out alerts, went on the news, and was just trying to catch that son of a bitch.

Reid was in shambles. Day and night Reid was trying to break the case, rarely closing an eye.


"Oh my furry friends, I have great news, or maybe not, but someone called in to report their neighbor with y/n!" Penelope squield out, she then proceeded to send everyone the address.

y/n POV

'Please spencer find me' I so secretly said under my breath. I began to think of everything I would miss. Parks, cute little coffee shops, shopping, reading, stargazing, and of course spencer.

Sirens. I heard them. I got hopeful hoping they were for me, as they inched closer and closer my hopes and dreams began to flood my mind. Maybe just maybe I would be saved, able to live another day. The sirens stopped, I knew Spencer was there.

"Get up, NOW" the man said. I scurried up from the concrete floor. He swiftly stepped behind me, but he had a gun. Just when I thought this was over he found a wat to make it worse.

"This is the FBI, Put your hands up" Hotc firmly said.

"Now now where's the fun in that" the bitch holding a gun to my head said.

I saw Reid run in, it appeared as though he wasn't allowed in, probably because he was too close to the case.

He hadn't said a single word, he ran in and shot the man in the head. He had saved my life, breaking every rule in the book, but I didn't care. I fell to the floor, Spencer ran over to me and said to me, "Im so sorry y/n". After that I went out cold, back to the black abis.

I awoke in a hospital, Spencer sitting in a chair right next to the bed, his body hunched over as he held my hand. I barely squeezed his hand, his eyes bolted to yours.

"Hi Spence, I missed you"

"y/n! Your awake. I am so sorry this is all my fault I should have made sure you were guarded as well. I love you so much, and I am so sorry to have caused this"

"Spence the only person I could be mad at is that asshole who did this to me, you are my hero, you saved me. 

AN: Hope y'all enjoyed it!! Thank you for reading 🥺🥺🥺


-A Whore for Matthew Gray Gubler

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