Tinder, who knew? (08/02/2020)

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"Ugh why do I have to do this, it is so stupid" I whined to my friend.

"Oh shut up y/n it will be good for you, and you need to get out there.

My friend Lily decided that I should make a tinder account and "get out there", I mean it was a good idea considering I was just dumped. But I just kept thinking of my past relationship. It was great, nothing special, but it was good. I understand his reason for leaving, he wanted to find someone who would put butterflies in his stomach just thinking about them, but I hate change. Honestly if he did not leave me I wouldn't mind just staying, I already got comfortable.

Day after day I would sort through the men flooding my feed on tinder. I mean it was the same, profile after profile. There were the hotties (who I had no shot with), the creepy pervs, the uglies who would only post group photos, and then the randoms. My profile was fine, like my first pic was me petting my cat, no not that one, my real meowing cat, Barthemo. Then some more photos of me participating in some random hobbies, such as hiking, skating, ect.

My profile had only brought in a small bit of attraction, possibly because I did not have a "revealing" photo. There were a few pervy men who wrote me, my favorite conversation going like:

"Hey y/n, if nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?"

"No ❤️"

"Ok fine that was bad, but like you tryna smash?"

"Smash who?? All of your pics are group photos, ok mr 'can't post a pic of myself alone'"

He then proceeded to leave me on read. I mean I don't really care that he did, but still this app was not working for me. It is stupid I know, but I want a relationship, not a one night stand.

"I'm not sure about this Lily, like I doubt I am going to find the one on tinder"

"Bitch simmer down, you don't need to find prince charming here. Just have a fling"

"But, I-"

"No buts, I want you to get laid, or find the one, I don't care, but you are staying on the app" Lily persistently told me.

So once again, I kept swiping left and right. But then I saw someone, someone special. His first pic was him taking a sip of coffee. He had welcoming soft eyes, floppy brown hair, a sharp jawline. I swiped through all of his photos, he had one of him reading, another on a jog with a breathtaking view behind him, and a goofy one of him in a matching blue set of pajamas. In almost all of his photos I saw his smile, it made my heart stop, no literally I thought I was going to pass out, he was that hot. I swiped right.

I checked my phone a few hours later and saw that not only did he swipe right on me, he wrote me! I knew that he was also fairly new to this considering how he wrote me, but it was cute.

"Hi y/n, this is a bit awkward, I am not quite sure you can tell, but I am new to this. I noticed that we have very similar hobbies. I hope this is not too straight forward, but I would like to get to know you more."

He sincerely seemed like a nice guy. I swiftly went to go and call Lily, she will be my virtual wing woman. She helped me plan my responses to Spencer.

My first message sent to Spencer was

"Hi! Hahah trust me this is just as awkward for me, i definitely prefer meeting people in person rather than on... well tinder. And I would love to talk more:)"

After the first thirty minutes Lily had to leave, but Spencer and I continued to text for the whole night. Turns out that both of our friends forced us to join since we were dumped. He told me a bit about his friend Derek, and how he was always randomly called away for work. I was still not sure what he did, but who cares, he was so polite. By the enc of our conversation, I knew so much about him, and I feel like he knew my life story.

The next morning I decided to be bold and ask him if he would like to get coffee. To my surprise he agreed. I worked in a small coffee shop so we planned that he would come in, he did not know that I worked there, but I knew the entire staff so if he was a creep they would have my back.

Our coffee date was set for saturday at 3. I started to get ready at 12, which is ridiculous I know but I was nervous. First I took a long shower making sure I have every nook and cranny shaved. Then when I hopped out, I scrunched in my hair products to make sure my curls were nice and moisturized, washed my face, and then put lotion on my arms and legs. I knew that I would be eating before I head out, so I planned to do that right before I left.

I then proceeded to walk into my closet. I must have had hundreds of clothes, but nothing seemed to be just right. Like should I go for simple, classy, or even sexy. In the end I decided on wearing a pair of light wash jeans, and a cat sweater, I mean I want him to see the real me after all.

Somehow the time passed by so fast I quickly did some light makeup and heard over to the coffee shop.


Thankfully I arrived first to the coffee shop, I mean I was only 20 min early after all. I went over to my two coworkers and just let them know I was on a date and asked them to act like they didnt know me, and to have my back.

He walked into the coffee shop right on the dot of 3. He looked around, only to see me in the corner sitting at a small table. My jaw dropped, he was so handsome and tall. Just watching him walk over to me made my stomach full of butterflies.

"Y/n! It is so nice to meet you in person."

Trying to understand that the god was talking to me "Y- yes! I am so glad we're doing this.

We talked for about an hour then we decided to walk around. I held his arm as we strolled around the streets.

"This is odd but I have the urge to tell you that I" I tried to somehow express my feelings without sounding like a clingy psychopath. "I really like you, like I want to do this again and again"

"I would like that too y/n. You don't seem like most girls, you seem so caring, smart and in general a great person. I feel like the luckiest man alive right now knowing that the prettiest girl is on my arm"

Not that I am extremely self conscious, but I mean my body was not that stereotype model body. I was happy with myself but for him to compliment my beauty took me by surprise.

"You really are too kind, but seriously we need to get your eyes checked, there are way prettier girls out there Spencer"

He looked at me with an appalled face. "WHAT you are the prettiest woman to walk this earth.

At this point I had begun blushing, no one has ever said that to me.

"If you say so..."


That night I dreamt of him and our wedding. In a way creepy considering how we had just met, but I really liked him. He felt like the one. Anyways back to my dream. We were on the beach with our family and friends lined up in chairs. I was walking up to the man of my dreams, literally. We had a lovely ceremony. Everyone was smiling, my mom balling her eyes out but still smiling. After what felt like years I finally heard 'you may now kiss the bride' Spencer and I's lips connected. It was perfect, his lips so soft and kissable. Our lips parted, then he lifted me up holding my legs in one arm and then my back in the other. He walked us back down the aisle together.

I bolted up, suddenly waking up from my dream to a text. It was Spencer asking if I was free later this week for another date.

At that moment I knew that I needed to make that dream a reality. 

AN: If y'all have any Spencer Reid fanfic recommendations, let a bitch know... please


-A hory gal for Matthew Gray Gubler

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