Chapter 24

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"How are you feeling?"

The smooth rasp of a voice filtered through my ears. Oh, how I adored it all. The strong arms around me. The naked body beneath me. The thick penis inside me. Sweet, sweet bliss. Sex was becoming a regular thing for us. It was never enough. We were like addicts for each other.

I guess that's how it always is in the beginning. Then time passes and all of a sudden the other shoe drops and takes you by surprise. My body tenses and Silas is on high alert.

"What's the matter, love?" He lifts my head off his chest so that he could peer into my eyes. His pair held so much care and tenderness. But why?

"Why do you care Silas? I don't mean that to be rude. I genuinely would like to know why you care about me?"

Silas sat up on the bed, bringing me with him so that I am straddling his lap.

"Ariah Miller, if you must know. I care because you deserve to be cared for." He takes my hands in his. "You, my love, have a passionate soul unlike my aggressive one. Your passion engulfs you like fire. My aggression festers like a sore. Beautifully lethal flames surround you. I care because I wish to see your fire burn bright. My aggression may tamper that."

My heart was swelling. "Your aggression added fuel to my fire not water. Before I met you, I was closed off for years. You sparked the fuse. Your aggression is a shield. It protects you."

"Once you fully let me in here," Silas points to my heart, "your flames will engulf all of me as well and my shields will protect the flame."

I smile shyly. Every day, he eases his way further into my heart. Silas and I are a strange dynamic though I wouldn't have it any other way.

One shower and quickie later, we're downstairs in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Are you ready for today?" Silas asks as he sets his cup on the counter.

"A bit nervous, I'll admit."

"There's no need. Mother is the sweetest woman you'll ever met." I smile.

"Oh, I don't know. Mine might give you a toothache."

"Are we really going to compare mothers right now?" I laugh and shake my head.

"Good." Silas walks around and kisses me deeply, driving his fingers through my hair.

"Mmm, this hair, I love it. The curls are beautiful by the way. I apologize for not telling you last night. Your dress took all the attention."

The blush heating my face puts a smile on his. Such a beautiful man. "What time are we leaving?"

"4:45. Dinner starts at 6."

"What should I wear?" Silas' eyes held amusement.

"Are you, Ariah Miller, asking me, Silas Wilson, what you should wear? The same Ariah Miller who nearly clawed my tongue out for saying her shirt was showing too much skin?"

Shaking my head, I let out an unbelievable laugh. "Yes, Silas Wilson, I am."

Silas straightens up and looks at me. "Wear a suit. Nothing too flashy or revealing. Stick to neutral colors. Pin your hair up and don't wear too much makeup. If you're going to wear heels, make them average height, this is not a strip club."

My eyes widened. He can't be serious. Can he? I stare at his stoned expression trying to gauge anything but I came up empty handed. My eyebrows furrow. If he expects me to dress like some-

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Don't go cursing me out in that head of yours." His laugh fills my ears. After placing a kiss on my forehead, Silas tilts my head up to his. "Wear whatever you want. You're going to look beautiful either way."

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