Kiss The Girl

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It was around 9 AM the next day. Millie was taking her time, slowly getting ready for set today. It was the first time, since filming re-started, that she didn't have to be there early. She was free to enjoy her morning ritual to the fullest.

She was halfway done with her cereal when she heard a knock on the door.

'Paige?! Could you go get that? My oats are way too close to getting soggy', Millie yelled out loud enough for her sister, who was watching TV, to hear her. She could almost hear the roll of her sister's eyes at her lame excuse, but, in her defense, she really hated soggy cereal, she couldn't afford to waste any time.   

Just a couple of minutes later she heard Paige say from the hall 'Your friend's here', and she looked up just as Caleb walked into her kitchen.

'Hey, Reginald!', she stood up, hugging him firmly, 'What brings you here this early?'

'I just thought I'd check in before going to set', Caleb answered, pulling away from the hug and sitting next to the chair she got up from.

Having finished her breakfast, Millie put her bowl in the sink before sitting back down herself. 'Check in? Why?', she asked, her brows meeting in the middle. It wasn't out of character for him to come see her but this early and before work... yeah, that confused her.

'I know yesterday wasn't fun for you. Wanted to see how you were doing', he responded with a shrug of his shoulders; like it was no big deal.

Now that made Millie turn to face him entirely, 'Did Finn say something to you?'

'Um, just that it was an emotional scene for you', he trailed.

'Well, yeah, but I don't get what the big deal is. It's not like it's the first time. I don't see why he would tell you to come and check up on me'.

'No, he didn't tell me to come here, he's just... worried about you'.

'You can tell Finn that he has no reason to worry', Millie said pointedly.

Caleb decided not to pry anymore, at least for now. He knew he wouldn't get anything out of her when she got like this, especially not with her sister being in the other room. Then he remembered another detail from his chat with his buddy last night, a detail he really wanted to talk to Millie about.

'Speaking of Finn', he started, 'Lip oil? Really?'

'Huh?', she looked at him, feeling completely lost. She was busy trying to think of ways to avoid the conversation he seemed to want to have just a minute ago, but apparently he took it upon himself to change the subject.

'You gave Finn your lip oil', he repeated slowly, 'Were you trying to make him think about kissing you every time he looked at it or...?'

'Um, what? No, I wasn't-', she stumbled on her words while shaking her head ferociously.

'Oh! Now that I've mentioned kissing', Caleb exclaimed, then lowered his voice significantly, remembering they weren't alone, 'Care to explain why I had to find out from Finn that he tried to kiss you at the season 3 premiere party?'

'What?', Millie breathed out. Her morning was taking so many unexpected turns, she was starting to feel a bit dizzy.

'Yeah, I had to hear it from him, a whole year after the said event, by the way. Both of you go on and on about each other, and yet neither of you thought to mention that particular detail', Caleb explained, with a bit of a snarky attitude. 

'He told you', Millie whispered, 'When did he tell you? Why did he tell-?'

'The only relevant question is why didn't you?', he dead-panned.

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