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A/N: Listen to this, now, until he wakes up


U-Jin's pov:

"Hello? Is anyone around?!" I yelled but got no answer in response.

I continued walking down the empty road while looking around, very confused as to where I am.

But like seriously, where in the world am I? There's no one around, no cars, not even any houses or stores.

What kind of ghost town is this-


I felt something fall on my forehead so I wiped it off then looked at my hand to see water. I looked up, at the sky, to see the clouds moving closer together to cover the sun.

You've got to be kidding me, it's gonna rain. I need to find shelter, fast. I continued looking around while jogging but it was getting harder to see stuff since it was getting darker.

While I was jogging, I ended up seeing a figure of a house in the distance. Oh finally, I can-


What was that... it came from behind me... I stopped jogging and turned around, slowly, to be met with someone walking after me.

"Uhm, who are you?" I asked while walking backwards but still managing to keep the person in my sight.

They shook their head 'no' then continued walking after me. I asked, again, "Who are you? What is your name?"

Yet again, their response was shaking their head 'no' then walking, even faster, towards me.

Damnit, I have no idea what this person could do or may do that's why I quickly want to run to that house I saw. I glanced over my shoulder for a second but the person started laughing.

I turned my attention back to them and listened to them laugh. It wasn't any type of laugh either... it was like... like a maniac type of laugh.

2-3 minutes passed and the person was still laughing but they morphed their laugh into a serial killer one. I know someone who laughs like that... It's Unknown.

"I'll never let you go, baby boy." the person stated while they increased their pace towards me.

My eyes widened so I turned around and started running towards the house. That's something Unknown would say, is that really Unknown?

The person added, in a sinister tone, "I'll never lose you so stop running and just come to me, baby boy."

Yep, that's Unknown...

Pitter!~, patter!~

And it started raining so now I need to get to that house, very quickly, before I get drenched in water or caught by Unknown. With that, I started sprinting towards the house while Unknown was right behind me.

As I reached the door, he was about to grab my shirt but I successfully managed to get inside and lock the door.

Bang!~, bang!~, bang!~

Every time he slammed his hand against the door, I took a step back, slightly shaken, that he's still trying to get in.

At once, the having stopped and the sound of rain falling was heard. I walked back to the front door and heard his steps going somewhere else.

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