XXXII: part 2

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A/N: A few things you need to know for the chapter below:
1.) This chapter was broken into two parts
2.) The picture above represents how the forest first looked like to Unknown and U-Jin.
3.) Listen to the video when U-Jin enters the forest
4.) The (-,-) indicates U-Jin is having a flashback
5.) If you want an refresher on how the cabin looks like on the inside, go to chapter XII


U-Jin's pov:

Wow... just wow! I can't believe that fucking bastard left me here, alone! It's as if he didn't even listen to a single word I just said.

"I mean," I said aloud, while looking into the forest, "He claimed we were going on a hike. The first thing that comes to anyone's mind is an actual hiking trail but no, this sexy dumbass brought me to a forest."

"More specifically, a forest that can make someone go insane! Oh and on top of that, he said "we" would go hiking. Where is the "we" now, since it's only me who's doing the fucking hike?! God, I got so dressed up for nothing!"

"Could this day get any worse?!"

Drip!~, drip!~, clap!~

"Wow, great. That's just great," I clapped my hands, slowly, while looking up at the sky with a petty look, "As if Mother Nature wanted to add on to my anger, she decided to make it start drizzling with thunder echoing behind it."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, that handsome, devious man knew it was going to rain today but he still left me here," I returned my gaze to the forest, "This is ass, I can't believe I have to actually walk through-"

Thump!~, thump!~. bang!~

As I was talking to myself, someone ran into me at full force. I fell face-down while they fell on top of my back. I groaned, "Who the fuck do you think you are to sit on my back after knocking me over?! You better get your ass up before I-"

"Ooo, you just cursed," the person giggled which made me pick up my head, confused, "I'm sorry mister but I have to get going since I'm late."

Swiftly, they got off my back, helped me up, then proceeded into the forest. As they were walking away, I could only think about the way their voice sounded.

It sounds so familiar yet... I can't figure out who it is... guess I need to find out. Before they could get away, I grabbed their wrist and pulled them back, only to be amazed by who it is.

"What the... you're me!" I screamed as I analyzed my younger self's face.

He retracted his hand from my grasp while saying, "Ew, no I'm not. You're old and ugly while I'm young and cute. Now, as I told you, I need to get going since I'm late."

"Eh, who did you just call ugly," I questioned as he began running into the forest, "Come back here! You can't go into that forest by yourself! Why are you in such a- ugh!" 

As I was calling out for my younger self, I received this terrible headache since I started to remember something.

-Whatever it is, it must be very important so I must get there on time. As I was walking, I grew curious about what time it is so I pulled out my watch and- 3:55?! Oh no, I'm late!

I began racing over to the cabin like a cheetah. I swear I can run very fast whenever I need to but when I don't, I'm slow. I just need to keep running until I seen him or the Cabin.-

The pain was so unbearable but I don't understand why. All I did was remember why I had to run into this forest in the- wait, I've been inside this forest before!

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