Chapter 1 Hello My Old Friend

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan in tiredness as I rolled over not wanting to get out of the bed. I sighed deeply before I got up and entered the bathroom. I did my morning routine and got dress for the day.

I went downstairs and got into the car

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I went downstairs and got into the car. Today would be the day I return to South Korea. I was nervous about returning since I hadn't been home since I transferred schools when I was in college. The driver pulled up to a building and  I got out. I walked inside and the workers all bowed as they saw me causing me to do the same. This was definitely something new! I enter the elevator and went to the top floor. When I got out I saw a lady at the receptionist desk. I smiled and walked up to her.

" Mr. Kim's office please." I said in a sweet tone. She smiled sweetly and bowed her head.

" Its the last door at the end of the hall." She said in a sweet tone. I smiled and bowed to her before following her directions. I saw this huge black door with gold letters engraved in it. " CEO"  was what it said. I nervously reached up and  knocked on it. The masculine voice that came from the other side seem familiar. I entered the office and saw.....

~NamJoon P.O.V.~

She was here! My childhood friend. She had disappeared after I proposed to my girlfriend. She literally vanished from my life leaving me all alone and feeling empty. She looked stunning and more beautiful than she did when she left.
"N-NamJoon" She stuttered as she looked at me with a shock facial expression. I instantly froze at the sound her voice. I missed it so much! I wanted to pulled her into my embrace but I contain my emotions because I didn't want to scare her.

"Y/n, what brings you here?" I said in an unbothered tone. I watch her mood become completely uneasy and uncomfortable by my tone of voice. She pushed her hair behind her ears as she advert her gaze to the ground.

"I think I got the wrong Kim. I was looking for Mr. Kim Taehyung." She said in a nervous tone.

" One second, I can call him in for you." She nodded her head as I tried to maintain my composure. I called Taehyung in and he quickly came into the office. I noticed his smirk when he saw Y/n. I felt my anger rising but I refrained myself because Y/n was no longer my woman. She had moved on, I just knew it.

" Ms.Lee, I'm sorry, I should've been more specific on my name." Taehyung said in a normal tone. Y/n blushed and Taehyung smiled at her. Who do he think he is? I felt liking punching him but instead I cleared my throat and both of them looked up at me.

"Sorry NamJoon, but since she is here meet our new model, Ms.Lee Y/n." He said in a proudful tone. I glared at him before saying.

" I already know her Taehyung. Y/n is my childhood friend." I looked away as he looked at me with a shocked expression.

"Wow, really I didn't know that!" Y/n looked away as she felt my gaze piercing into her soul. She took a deep breath and looked over to Taehyung.

"Mr. Kim, can we please get straight to business? I would really like to get back home soon. I got a lot of unpacking to do still." She said in a stern tone. I adverted my gaze to the window looking out to the sky to make her not feel uncomfortable anymore.

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