Chapter Six|Cosplay

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Dream was very quickly gaining a Twitter following.

You'd think that would be a good thing, right?

No. It meant that Dream was very quickly feeling at home, and people apparently loved his chaotic personality. Half of George's followers have already started following him, and he's literally just been shit posting!

George was so confused with how he was gaining so many followers so quickly, all George did was retweet his first tweet to make sure people knew he was actually the one from the stream.

To be honest, at first, George felt fear surge through him at the sound of Dreams laugh. Every time he heard the familiar noise he got goosebumps, his hair standing on end. He even got a headache about halfway through the day.

But, he learned that a little bit of Advil and exposure therapy could easily fix that problem, and soon he was chuckling and laughing with the demon, as weird as it is.

There were already simp accounts for Dream, which was alarmingly fast. How could people like him when all they knew of him was his voice?

Speaking of that, Dream was trying to convince George to let him be on camera.

"Are you kidding? You have horns! And a tail! That moves!" George said, crossing his arms and looking at Dream like he was crazy. I mean, he was, but the idea really wasn't.

"I can say it's cosplay! And there are super fancy robotic tails, don't even try that." Dream reasoned in return. George groaned loudly, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Ya know what? It's what the people want. Just don't show your hands on the camera. That's a disaster waiting to happen." He said, giving up. Dream was ecstatic, he jumped up, laughing and grinning, not that George could see it.

He ran up to the boy, hugging him quickly before he pulled away, realizing that he probably shouldn't have done it. He still couldn't bring himself to regret it though. He didn't even give George enough time to think about it before he was turning on his PC.

"Let's stream right now!" Dream exclaimed, grinning. George sighed, shaking his head as the pink tint on his cheeks faded away.

"Whatever. Why not? But you're the one playing bed wars or whatever it is you're playing." Dream just grinned harder at this, bouncing up and down happily.

George was left wondering when he started seeing this demon as a friend rather than a living nightmare.


"NOO!!" Dream yelled as he fell off the map, his bed having already been broken. The facecam was on, but he had been avoiding questions about his 'cosplay'.

George was at a loss for words. There were probably about double the amount of people watching than usual, and this was way too crazy to make sense.

"Okay, well.." Dream sulked. He had been playing bed wars for about an hour now, and he was getting a bit burnt out on it.

"Time to answer donations." Dream was scrolling through all the ones he hadn't read yet. It just kept going. And going. He was in shock at how many he had missed.

"Or rather, time to go through as many as possible." He said as he finally hit the top.

Of course, most of them were about his appearance.

"Who did you commission to make your mask and horns? The horns look so real," Dream read in a mumble before answering since he'd already done the research.

"I commissioned Fused Creations for the mask, they were surprisingly willing to do it for me. Maybe because it's so simple? Also, the horns were a separate commission from Tinker Cast, they were also pretty simply shaped, so it was a bit cheaper than normal. They're very expensive in general, but their craftsmanship is worth it."

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