Chapter Eighteen|Self-Love

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"Dream?" George waved his hand in front of Dream's face. The boy himself had been staring at the same photograph of George after he'd graduated high school for the last half an hour. He seemed to snap out of his stupor after the interaction.

"Huh? Do you need anything?" Dream asked, looking up at George. George may not have been able to see his face, but he could clearly see the way the boy's shoulders slumped and arms hung miserably.

"Are you okay?" George asked tempted to just wrap his arms around the obviously not okay boy, but he just settled for twiddling his thumbs.

"... Not really, but you don't have to feel obligated to worry about me, George." Dream answered before he walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and looking through it for a moment before he just... Lost focus again.

After the fifth minute of Dream just staring emptily into the fridge, George sighed, filling the kettle with water and letting it heat up, getting two cups, one for chamomile and the other for chai. When they were shopping, Dream had stared at the chamomile almost longingly, so George had grabbed it without the other boy noticing.

George went into his room, digging into the very back of his closet to get the surprise he had prepared for Dream.

George had already made the edits to the merch site, making it 'Dream + GeorgeNotFound' instead of just GeorgeNotFound. Dream hadn't noticed yet, and that made George a little sour, but it was okay.

Dream's merch and their split merch was to go up in a couple of days, and this was one of the hoodies he had gotten ahead of time. It was a green hoodie with a drawing of Dream's mask on the front, dinky smile, and horns included. It also had a little tail coming out from the bottom of the mask.

He smiled sadly at the green fabric. He was going to give it to the boy tomorrow morning, but this felt more important. And so, he laid it on the bed, on top a blanket for Dream.

By the time he went downstairs, the pot was steaming, so he poured the hot water into the cups. Dream was still just... Staring into the fridge. The smaller boy decided to bring the tea up and come back down, seeing that nothing had changed.

George placed his hand on top of Dreams, smiling sadly as the demon turned slowly to look down at him. And then, slowly, George wrapped his arms around Dream.

For a moment, Dream stiffened up and didn't move a muscle. Then, slowly, the boy melted into George's embrace, his shoulders shaking as he took deep, relieved breaths.

George whispered sweet nothings to him as he slowly leads the boy upstairs and into his room. George had made the boy stand in the doorway so that George could run in and grab the hoodie, going back to the solemn boy and showing it to him with an awkward smile.

Dream would have started crying right then and there, but he held on by a thread as he took off his jacket, putting on the new one, which was nearly the same shade of green.

George pats the spot next to him on the bed, a near-silent invitation. Dream took it, sitting on the bed and flinching as a cup of tea was handed to him, Chamomile by the smell. He took another deep breath of the steam.

George grabbed his own cup of tea, pressing close to Dream's side and pulling a blanket over their shoulders. He turned on a random romance movie, one called 'The Thing About Harry', snuggling into Dream.

Dream sighed, a small smile on his face. He really loved this boy.


More amazing fanart! This is by WinterPlayzGacha!

I'm glad someone drew the monster holding a monster, and I love their style!

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I'm glad someone drew the monster holding a monster, and I love their style!

That's it for today, love y'all 💞💕

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