Chapter Twenty Six|Far

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Dream looked out at the sky, infinite and gorgeous. And then he looked down at the ground, so far away and yet he still longed for it.

It felt like there was a noose around his neck, and the farther he pulled away, the less and less humanity he felt. He was being dripped dry, and it hurt.

Feeling everything he had in the past month, and then suddenly just... Not feeling anything anymore. It hurt more than he'd care to say.

The further the plane flew, the more relaxed Dream's posture got. The less he regretted leaving. The less he regretted anything he'd ever done.

The love he'd felt, it was like it had just vanished in an instant; It was replaced by sheer determination. Where he had once been filled with love and happiness and pain, now it was shallow, sloshing around at his ankles.

He just stared at nothing until the plane landed, his head empty; no thoughts running through it. He barely cared as he landed, the turbulence of the plane skirting just on the edge of his consciousness. It was unnoticeable; It was white noise.

He wasn't human.

He pulled his backpack on, walking down the aisle and off of the plane. He went first. Everyone else who had been breathing the same air as him for the past thirty minutes had been too terrified to move; He listened in to their thoughts as they blamed it on first flight jitters or their fear of heights. It made him want to laugh, just a bit.

He didn't keep enough to need anything other than a carry on bag. One outfit. His phone. The chamomile tea George had bought. A mug. Cash he had gotten from his share of the streaming money. His headphones.

One other thing, buried at the very bottom of the bag. He didn't bother thinking about it. He didn't even remember why he packed it in the first place.

His green hoodie felt strange on his skin in his human form, something he'd barely had the chance to get used to. He guessed he'd just have to get used to it again.

Now, he was four hundred and seventy miles out from where George lived, in a small city with cheap apartment prices. It would be fine until he ran out of spendable money; Then he would walk to the suburbs and find prey to house with.

His life would be the way it used to be when that time came. Just about living to see the next day.

But for now, he would move into this apartment, and this would be his den.

He twisted the key in the lock, pushing the door open hesitantly.

The place was better than he had expected it to be. Carpeted floors, a small kitchen with an electric stove and a microwave, a single room, furnished.

He didn't know why it felt... Wrong.

He threw his backpack on the bed, keeping his phone on him and leaving the apartment.

He needed to find prey, and he didn't need to stay put for a second if he wanted to move. It was freeing.

That's what he told himself at least.

He didn't realize how far away he was until he slammed into someone's chest, stumbling back as the distinctly human smell flowed into his nose.

"Oh jeez, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going-" The familiar-voiced man in front of him realized, and Dream was shocked, because this human man was taller than him. By at least an inch.

"No, it's my bad. I was so far away from reality, might as well have been a different plane." And Dream felt a smirk ghost his expression as the taller man giggled. A man of his size, giggling.

He had a shaved head, just enough hair to let Dream see that it was a light brown. His eyes were a pretty, mellow green color that shone just barely though his glasses as he pushed them further up his nose.

"I haven't seen you around, I'm Darryl." The man offered his hand to shake.

Dream almost felt his soul leave his body. Darryl? As in BadBoyHalo? As in the man he and George have streamed with at least twice? He couldn't say his name was Dream, and his panicked mind just spat out the first other thing that came to mind.

"I'm Clay." Dream felt his heart squeeze tightly in his chest as he shook the muffin-loving man's hand.

This was bound to be exciting.


Yes, I know that Bad lives in America and George lives in the UK, but.. Plot convenience, ya know?

Anyways, love you guys. Just a couple more chapters until they're reunited.

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