Chapter Fourteen|Purring

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At first, Dream was stiff as the boy watched his face intently, and whenever Dream tried to move his head to look away, George would tug his head back into place, making a whimper bubble up in his throat.

The boy was just petting and touching and tugging his tail gently, and Dream was humming at the sensation. No one had even wanted to touch him like this in Twenty years, and the only reason they had wanted to was because they were a succubus, and feeding off of Dream's pleasure.

"George..." Dream said his name softly, breathless. George just hummed in response, continuing to pet him. Dream had held back the urge long enough.

George's eyes went wide as Dream started purring, all of the tension leaking from his body as he leaned against the couch, still giving the other boy access to his tail and horns.

George seemed amazed, and a little flustered. He stopped for a minute, and Dream whined as he sat down on the couch, putting a pillow on his lap and patting it.

The demon didn't hesitate as he curled up on George's right side, his head on the pillow. He looked up at George expectantly, but instead of grabbing his tail, the boy threaded his fingers through the boy's hair again, just petting him and tugging occasionally.

They sat there like that, the loud rumble in Dream's chest giving away how much he liked the small touches. Just when George thought the demon had gotten the closest to falling asleep that he ever could, he spoke.

"George?" Dream spoke, looking up at the boy in question as his tail wrapped around his wrist, a mind of its own.

"Yes, Dreamy?" George answered, looking down at him with a soft smile.

"Thank you." He said, and George just chuckled, leaning in to place a kiss on the boy's left horn.

"It's no problem." He replied, and then Dream started purring again.


Even after George fell asleep, Dream stayed in his lap, taking deep breaths to admire his scent. If Dream had to describe it, it would be drinking chamomile and honey tea in the middle of a cool, crisp pine forest. It was sweet with a tinge of green smell, and it made his shoulders relax like warm honey had been poured over his aching muscles.

He didn't leave the boy's side until he realized that he was drooling, his being hungry and George being available for the taking. But he would do that to him. He slipped away from the boy carefully, writing down a note so he could go and see what awaited him.

He didn't have to search for long before he found a skinny girl with long black hair who was twitching in her sleep. His eyes widened when he saw that she had a GeorgeNotFound hoodie slung over the arm of the office chair next to her small desk, which was covered in clutter. There were posters covering the plain white walls, and it looked like she hadn't picked up her room in days. Dream wondered if she even knew she lived in the same neighborhood as George.

With a sigh, he jumped into the dreamscape, expecting it to be empty, only to realize that it, in fact, wasn't. This girl was dreaming, and it was strange.

The last thing he expected to see was that she was talking to him.

Well, not him, but this fantasy version of him. She was talking to a skinny human boy with his mask and hair, but he was wearing a tank top and leggings, which made Dream's nose scrunch up. He would never wear that, unless he was trying to show off his ass on a hot day or something.

"It's really nice to meet you! But I'm still curious, what's under the mask?" Dream him chuckled as he did a zipping and throwing away the key motion. His voice was scarily accurate. Dream suddenly and an idea of how to make this Dream into a nightmare.

Tw, dream blood an gore, dream violence

Dream appeared behind himself, lengthening his claws until he could rake them against the back of the imposter, ripping large strips of flesh away along with muscle until he made contact with spine. For an extra touch, he pulled out a rib to pick his teeth with.

Imposter him had opened his mouth in a silent scream as blood gushed from his body. He fell forwards, towards the girl, and Dream groaned as his stomach filled and her terrified scream rang out.

"Yes, yes, keep feeding me." Dream said as he froze her and she started to panic because Dream had started walking towards her.

"I love the taste of your f e a r..." Dream said as he lightly traced one of his eight-inch long claws against the underside of her chin.

"The real thing isn't as good as you would've hoped, is it?" Dream said, walking around her to survey her.

"Wh-What do you mean?" She asked, simply because Dream let her. Dream laughed menacingly, walking around to be in front of her so he could smile and show off his canines, opening his arms wide.

"You mean you don't recognize my voice? Here, let me help." He took a moment and reached further into her consciousness before walking to her and grabbing her shoulders, leaning into her ear and doing what the fandom had declared as that voice.

"Oh claiiiiiaaaree..." He purred into her ear, and her eyes widen in recognition as she finally realized.

"No... No way!"

"Yes way, Claire. I'm Dream. My Twitter username is not a joke." He tutted at her, waving his pointer finger.

"So I'm dreaming. I know I'm dreaming. I just need to wake up!" She said, struggling in his grasp over her Dream form.

"It's not that easy, Claire. You can only leave once I'm full." He said, reaching into her consciousness and pulling out a perfect copy of her older brother, who was swearing and cursing before he 'realized where he was'.

"Hello, Justin. As much as I hate to say it, you've been pulled from one nightmare... Into yet another." Dream said, and 'Justin''s screams rang out, merging with Claire's pleading for him to stop.

When he got back into the house, George was in his room, and Dream was exhausted emotionally. For about an hour he laid on the floor of the living room, afraid to wake George up.

The next three were very comfortable after George invited him to join him in bed, while Dream just breathed in his scent.


Fanart!! This is by cheetahkx on twitter, who is also cheetah_k_x on Instagram!

I love the way the rings look levitating around the tail, and the way you added green to his mask! I just love when an artist adds their own touch 💕💞

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I love the way the rings look levitating around the tail, and the way you added green to his mask! I just love when an artist adds their own touch 💕💞

Have a good night guys and gals!

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