Chapter Twenty Four|Loss

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As soon as George saw Dream at the end of the clearing, he felt fear shoot down his spine, his hair standing on end. The demon next to him only chortled before he dropped George's father, putting one clawed finger in front of his throat, making George flinch away and swallow, a nervous sweat covering his skin.

"You have made a mistake of such a sheer magnitude that its own gravity is so large that it compressed itself down to such a small size that you can't see it over your inflated ego, you prick." Dream growled and spat each word.

George cried out as he felt the hand around his torso constrict further, until not only was he struggling to breathe, but his ribs felt like they were straining; like they would snap.

"Stop it, you idiot! Stop, or you'll never get him back!" Dream screamed, and George felt the pressure on his chest constrict no further, and then slowly recede.

"How did you-" The demon holding him growled, and Dream interrupted them, a smirk written in his voice.

"It wasn't that hard to cast a magic detecting spell. I can't believe you... How could you even do that? Cast that spell, put someone through that pain?" By now, the demon holding him captive was shaking, from rage or something else, George didn't know until he spoke.

"You, you shut up you bastard!! You- don't even pretend to know me!" The demon screamed, his teeth clenched and his eyes glassy with frustrated tears. His free hand was clenching and unclenching repeatedly.

"I don't know you, but I know only someone insane would rip out the heart of a loved one and boil their blood to get just two months of them for eternity." George felt sick to his stomach, and he gagged reflexively, making the demon tighten his hand.

"He was- FUCK YOU!! I have your human play toy and if you don't give me what's mine.." George choked as it squeezed him, and he nearly cried when it traced it's claw across his soft throat, blood beading from the fresh wound.

"Don't you DARE TOUCH HIM-" Dream screamed, and a wave of fear whipped out from him, so strong that George started shaking and tears slipped down his face. The demon only froze up and then shook it off, like there wasn't sheer cold terror running through George's veins at this very moment, making his heart seize.

"Give. It. Back." The demon growled, swinging George around like a ragdoll. The angrier Dream got, the more fear seeped into the air. George felt it fill his lungs, felt himself choking on it. Felt it pooling in his stomach.

"You throw him over, I'll throw you your cursed necklace." Dream spat the last bit, and the demon seemed to be shaking in relief.

Tommy was scared. He was beyond terrified. But he would do anything, anything to keep the last bit of the boy that was a brother to him. The only human he ever let close to him.

And, when Tommy let the filth in his hands go, he ran to Dream, his legs trembling. Tommy didn't want to see it. He refused to acknowledge how similar they were.

And then finally, the demon threw his necklace, true to his word. Tommy caught it and bolted. He would go as far away as he could.

He ran for hours. At least two. And then he finally settled into a grassy clearing, gasping. Then he finally let the dam break.

There he sat, haunched over the necklace, choking and crying and rocking back and forth as he fed his aura into the cursed item.

"̷͇̥͝T̵̨̙̹̒͆̿͛͘ō̵̖̲̮͚̤͊̇m̵͇̺͍̏m̵̛̜̃̀y̵̤̠͛?̵͖̖̗̝̀͒̄ ̴̛͚͈͊̆̔̊̏I̶̧̟̯͗̓̌̐̈́̀ş̸͙̳͖̤͑ ̷̛̼̑͝ṯ̸͎̘͚͒͛̑h̷̺̫̩̽ạ̵̢̥̗̺͒̎̈́̽ṫ̶͚̹̰̩̹̍̕͘ ̴̠̝̈̌͝ý̷͈͔̅̊̚o̴̬̎͛͛u̷̙̦̽͝?̶̡͕̜̥͚̟̋̆̅͠"̶̱̙̹̹̠̀

And Tommy let out another choked sob, because he would do anything.

He would do anything, if it meant he didn't have to lose Toby.

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