Chapter Nineteen|Morning, Love

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Dream nudged George awake by bopping his face against the boy's shoulders and neck, little love taps. Dream liked to pretend that these were kisses, since he couldn't actually kiss George with his lips.

George made a bootup noise, just like a cat does when you pet them while they're sleeping. A little 'mrrp?' sound in the back of the small boy's throat. Dream felt his nonexistent heart skip a beat in his chest.

"Time to get up, Georgie.." Dream quietly explained as he ran his fingers through George's hair. The sleepy boy hummed and leaned into the touch for a moment before he started to sit up, yawning.

"It's a stream day isn't it..?" George groaned, throwing his arms up and falling back into the bed, exasperated.

"I know Georgie, you wish you could sleep until five every day but unfortunately, you need money for food." Dream spoke, tone dripping with sarcasm. The giggle George gave in response was like warm honey to the senses.

"Alright alright, I get it.. what time is it?" Dream shrugged before checking the clock and freezing up. George looked at him with a raised eyebrow before he turned to check the time himself.

"Oh no. We're going to be so late, Dream get off of me we need to get ready-" George said, halfheartedly pushing Dreams shoulders away from him. Dream groaned loudly, nuzzling his cold mask onto George's warm, shirtless stomach, causing the still drowsy boy to screech in alarm and flinch away.

Dream started laughing as he kept butting his mask into George's stomach, hearing the boy screech his name while trying desperately not to laugh was just so good for him. It was a sound that made the self-loathing demon very, very happy.

He finally pulled away once George started a giggle fit, laughing along with Dream at the absurdity of the whole situation. They made eye contact for a moment, and George sighed happily, smiling his small smile. The one that made Dream contemplate entering his stomach in a gymnastics tournament, with how many flips it was doing.

"Well, you should probably get dressed." Dream reminded George as he sat up, to which the boy groaned, kicking the sheets off of himself (and narrowly missing Dream's face might I add) as he slid out of bed.

Today was the day they would announce their new merch and advertise it together by wearing matching hoodies.

The hoodies in question were going to be their matching half n half hoodies. There were two different types; one had green fabric with blue sleeves, a blue pocket, and a blue hood. This one had 'George & Dream' on the front written in block print with Georges Minecraft skin's glasses embroidered on the spot over the heart and embroidered larger on the back of the hood so it showed when it was down.

The other type was blue in the center with green where the other was blue. This one had 'Dream + George' on the front in a scratchy font that fitted Dream's personality, with little fabric horns added to the hood and a tail embroidered on the back.

George was wearing the 'Dream + George' hoodie, and Dream was wearing the 'George & Dream' hoodie. They looked good together, like a matching couple almost.

Dream blushed at the thought as George started the stream with a yawn. People started flooding in, and when two minutes passed they were already at two thousand five hundred viewers, and up to thirty dollars in donations.

They waited a good couple of minutes before George adjusted the camera and they both stood up, showing off their hoodies and posing together, laughing at one another.

"Some new merch is out guys, there's the George and Dream hoodie," George moved his arms in a showing motion towards Dream, like a hot blonde chick would on a TV show. Dream grinned, turning around slightly to show off the hood.

"And the Dream plus George hoodie!" Dream motioned to George, who pulled the pockets of the hoodie to show off the font, pulling the hood on to show the little horns. He turned around, doing a little dance to show off the tail as well. Dream chuckled at him while the chat exploded in 'CLIP THAT's.

"Go check them out on our merch website, they aren't limited edition so don't feel pressured to do it quickly or anything," George told chat, moving to sit down in the chair so he could start to play whatever it is he was going to play.

Dream was still trying to calm his beating heart. When George called the merch site theirs, not just his but theirs, Dream's heart has skipped a beat and his muscles froze up. He took a deep breath to calm himself.

Then, George's stomach growled. Both of them went silent for a moment before Dream burst out laughing, the wheezing kind that the viewers thought was cute for some reason. By the time he had calmed down, George's face was alight with his embarrassment, painting his skin red.

"I'll go get you some breakfast, George." Dream said, patting the boy on the shoulder before he left the room, a smile still on his face under the mask. Then he realized that there was clutter downstairs.

Fuck. George's parents were home. He forgot that today was an off day.

Dream sighed, going back into George's room. He did a motion for 'cut the cameras for a bit' and George looked confused for a moment before he did so, telling the chat that he needed to use the bathroom so he'd have an excuse to mute his mic and turn off the facecam.

"Imma have to climb out of the window to get you something to eat. What are you feeling?" Dream asked as he leaned against the door. George blinked at him for a moment, in shock. Dream chuckled.

"Uh, I don't know, maybe like, a cinnamon roll or something?" Dream winked at him, not letting him say anything else as he swiftly jumped out of the window, climbing down to the ground and walking casually away. There was a bakery nearby that he liked a lot.

Distantly, Dream remembered that morning, and he would be blushing if he could. He chuckled quietly, shaking his head to himself.

George was so fun to be around.

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