Chapter Thirteen|Curiosity

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Dream was laying on the couch, purposely taking up as much space as possible. He was still salty.

George had apologized for forcing Dream to go about five times now, and every time Dream would just tell him he forgave him when he really kinda didn't. He showed his upset through small things, such as the way he was laying on his stomach, scrolling through Twitter while his tail thrashed from side to side.

Dream had gotten new clothes, just like George had wanted. George made him buy three outfits, and Dream had pouted the whole way through, even though he secretly liked clothes shopping.

He had taken some inspiration from Sapnap with this outfit, wearing a form-fitting long sleeve grey shirt under a crop top, which was one of those hoodie crop tops that looked like the sleeves were ripped off. George had said it was old school, and Dream resisted the urge to tell him that was the whole point of it. That, and the pastel green complimented his horns. The Jean shorts looked good on him too; they cut off just above his mid-thigh.

And so he sat there, tail comfortably out and showing his emotions like he was an open book, luckily one George didn't know how to read.

"Dream, can you stop sulking please, I've already apologized about a hundred times," George stated, looking over at Dream from his place at the armchair.

George's house was overwhelmingly basic. Really, the only interesting thing there was George himself, and that's saying something. The walls were covered in yellow wallpaper with a daisy pattern, the carpet was a sandy color, and the couches were suede. There was really nothing interesting about it.

Dream was busy scrolling through his feed without really realizing it, and his thoughts had been so loud that he was completely caught off guard when a hand closed around his tail.

"Eep-!" The sound slipped out of him as his spine and tail froze in place. This was not good, very uncomfortable, and he just wanted out of this situation ohgodGeorgeistouchinghistail-

"Dude, please stop whipping this thing all over the place, it's distracting," George said, before pulling it closer to his face to get a better look at the appendage. He was completely oblivious to Dream's internal struggle.

It really felt like a whip, a bit leathery in texture. The tip of it almost had a glow to it, and it felt heavy, like he assumed a horn would if he held it. The very tip was sharp, and George was slightly tempted to touch it before he decided against it, instead running his hand over the leathery texture of the rest of it. It felt cool to the touch, and just overall nice.

Dream gasped softly as the boy he's very quickly falling in love with touched him in a way that was far too intimate for the human to understand, sending shocks up his spine. Without thinking, Dream whipped his tail out of the boy's hands, wanting to scream as George flinched away, looking hurt.

"That... That's a very intimate place. You don't want to touch there." Dream admitted, looking away from the boy. This was really embarrassing to admit.

"Oh? So it bothers you when I do... This?" George said, grabbing his tail again and pulling gently. Dream choked on his breath from shock before he gritted his teeth, groaning in fake annoyance as he shoved his face in a pillow.

"C'mon George, cut it oUT-" Dream was cut off by George brushing his fingers across the top of his tail, causing him to flinch and his voice to rise at least three octaves from the sudden shock.

George was just laughing at Dream's reactions, completely oblivious. Dream wasn't sure if he wanted this moment to end or to go on forever.

George grabbed the base of his tail, gently brushing his hand all the way up the three and a half foot length of it. Dream bit his tongue to stop himself from humming at the sensation. It filled his mouth with copper, but he didn't make a peep.

"Awwe, okay, I'll stop now," George said, getting bored with how Dream's reactions had stopped. Dream sighed in relief, relaxing before pulling his head away from the pillow and glaring at George with a deep fury written on his expression. If looks could kill, George's head would've exploded everywhere in a huge mess.

Dream was impossibly embarrassed at the exchange. If he had been in human form, his face would still be beet red, if not that then he would've passed out from too much blood to his brain.


The next incident was an hour later. Dream was laughing at how unrealistic Supernatural was when suddenly, there were hands on his horns. Dream froze up yet again at the intrusion.

George's hands were completely closed around his horns for a moment before he ran his fingers lightly across them, making Dream shiver.

Dream could tell George had leaned in because he could feel the hot puffing of his breathing as the boy inspected his horns. Occasionally he'd pull Dream's head a bit, making Dream bite his tongue, resisting the urge to bite the boy.

Dream's horns weren't nearly as sensitive as his tail, but for Dream to let someone touch them? It took a huge amount of trust, which George was lucky to have.

Dream tried as hard as he could to stay still for George; One wrong move and Dream could accidentally kebab his neck, and Dream wasn't the best at healing magic.

George had started to move from his horns to his hair, running his fingers through it and playing with it gently. Dream felt the tension leak from his body at the sensation. This was definitely a more human attribute, but the touch felt really good on his scalp. His hair was so thick that he usually gave up on brushing it, but he was glad he didn't today.

George eventually got bored, but he must have had a sudden act of courage because he grabbed one of Dreams horns and forced a literal demon to look up at him, his gaze heated and intent.

George started reaching for his tail.

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