Chapter Seventeen|Grocery Shopping

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When George came home, he saw that Dream was done with his bath and was walking around with a towel around his waist.

To say that he was flustered is an understatement with how red his face was. Dream wouldn't stop embarrassing him, and George was one hundred percent convinced that he was doing it on purpose. He even offered to give George a hug for Christ's sake!

George was lying face down with his face shoved in a pillow while Dream finally got dressed a whole hour after he had gotten clean. When George felt it was safe to look up again, he saw that Dream was in his shorts and one of his sweatshirts, rubbing his face. The sweatshirt was a little too tight and rode up to show his lower stomach a bit.

George blushed and looked away, covering his face and making an unintelligible noise of complaint, while Dream chuckled with that deep voice of his, rubbing it in his face.

Dream loved seeing George blush with his entire soul. When he saw the blood rise to the other boy's face, he felt a buzz in his stomach area. It made him proud to know that he was the one who could make George blush like that.

Eventually, Dream sat criss-cross behind George, who was curled up and covering his face because of his embarrassment. Dream sighed, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and ignoring his squeak of surprise as he pulled the smaller boy into his lap.

Dream rested his chin on top of the boy's head, wrapping his warm body around him protectively. George eventually lowered his hands, placing his own arms on top of Dreams and snuggling deeper into him.

Dream started to lay down, pulling the boy with him and serving as a personal heater as they laid there, not even bothering to turn the light off as George fell asleep.


Dream blinked awake, having fallen asleep sometime around seven am. It was around nine now, and George must have finally woken up because the boy was poking him in the side to wake him up.

"I'm up, I'm up.." Dream mumbled, Grabbing George's hand and placing a kiss on it as he sat up, wishing he could rub the sleep from his eyes.

George was smiling once his vision finally cleared all the way, and like the virus it was, the smile spread to his own face, even if George wasn't able to see. George just smiled wider, grabbing his hand and pulling him into standing.

Before Dream knew what was happening, he was dressed and in the passenger seat of the car with George.

"Hm... Sorry if you already said, but where are we going?" Dream asked, changing the song that was playing to c'mon by Panic!AtTheDisco, which was a very underrated song, thank you very much. He turned it down until it was just background noise, waiting for an answer.

"Grocery shopping, duh. Dad asked me to take care of it this week, remember?" George asked, and since Dream vaguely remembered George saying something similar to that, so he nodded, a slow smile on his face.

"Hey, can we get stuff to make banana pudding?" He asked, tilting his head. It had been a long time since he'd made the sweet treat that he was proud to call his favorite.

"I mean, I guess? I don't see why not." He answered, glancing at Dream for a moment before focusing back on the road like a good little boy. Dream smirked as he got an idea.

One of George's arms was free, and he had been holding Dream's hand, but Dream had decided to take it and peppering kisses up his arm slowly, making the boy blush. When he got up to his shoulder he kissed the boy's neck a few times, making the boy shiver.

The last kiss was placed on George's cheek before Dream leaned back into his seat with a snicker while George pouted, red tinting his face.

They pulled up to the Grocery Store, and Dream got out first, holding the door open for George with a wink. He shut the door behind him with a smile as they walked through the parking lot.

They got inside the store, and Dream took a deep breath. This territory was unclaimed, so anyone could roam freely without worry. Dream was glad.

Dream bought a monster energy just for shits and giggles, and he was sipping it through a straw from under his mask while they shopped.

George was putting item after item in the cart, and Dream was humming along to the stupid music they had playing in the background of the store.

Suddenly Wait (The whisper song) starting playing, and Dream spit his Monster out in shock at the verse 'come here little momma let me whisper in your ear'.

"Dream!!" George yelled in shock; Some of the spray had gotten in his hair, and Dream was left to thoroughly apologize as George dragged him with him to the bathroom to help wash the sugary drink out of his hair.

"I can't believe you did that, what happened?? You act like someone flashed you or something-" George said as Dream ran his hands through the smaller boy's hair, careful to not catch his sharp nails on the boy's sensitive scalp. Suddenly, George looked up, only to be nose to nose with Dream. Well, nose to mask.

George was slack-jawed, his face red and his eyes blown wide. He just stared at Dream, and Dream stared back. After a couple of seconds of this, George stumbled back, clearing his throat and pulling at his shirt collar nervously.

"Well, uh, sorry for ya know... getting your hair sticky." Dream apologized, stepping back a step so he wasn't in George's face as much. He didn't want to make the boy uncomfortable.

Actually, is there any way he couldn't make the boy uncomfortable? He was a demon. There was no way George couldn't be threatened by him.

It was with these negative thoughts going through his head on a horrible loop that Dream followed George throughout the store to finish the shopping.


Fanart yet again!! Dude all of y'all are so talented it's crazy 🥺🥺🥺

This is by Beeveon, beeveon_is_staby on Instagram!!

I love their simple art style so much, it's adorable 💞💕 💞

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I love their simple art style so much, it's adorable 💞💕 💞

Can we talk about the little bitty blush on Dream's mask?? I love it so much-

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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