Chapter Twenty Nine|Chase

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George was in his arms again.

After just nineteen days, George was in Dream's arms again. The world had decided to be kind to him yet again.

Dream turned around to hug George properly, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy and being as careful as he could not to dig his nails in.

"I'm sorry-" Dream started, his voice breaking a bit as he spoke. George shushed him as his grip on the taller man tightened.

"Just let me have this." George hiccuped softly, burying his face further into Dream's chest.

And suddenly, all was right with the world, if only for a moment.

That was, until the door George had come from slammed open yet again.

"Hey! Get away from that thing!" Someone in a suit with a gun spoke, and as two more armed men came out of the door, Dream's survival instincts kicked in.

He turned away from the people, and George seemed to have the same idea as him as the smaller boy climbed into his back.

"Hey- No- No!" The man that was probably leading them screamed, and then there was a whistle as something stuck Dream in the leg. He cried out like a wounded animal, but he pushed himself to keep moving. He hurled himself over the edge of the building, jumping onto another one.

George gasped as he saw what was in Dream, and Dream hissed as George reached down to take it out of him.

It was a tranquilizer dart.

"Dream, Dream we need to go now," George spoke over the air that was blowing into his face, and it was then that George realized that Dream was breathing heavily, and something else that made him freeze up.

Dream had broken a sweat.

Why was that so wrong? George thought back, and his mind reeled as he tried to remember something Dream had said once.

"I don't secrete fluids from my skin as humans do."

George's eyes widened, and fear sparked through him. Dream was a demon. Dream shouldn't need to breathe, let alone sweat- what...

"Dream, what's happening to you?" Dream just let out a more pronounced breath from his nose in response.

Dream didn't know what to do.

In any other circumstance, this animal tranquilizer dart wouldn't even phase him. But here, with George, they were both in danger.

Dream was soaked in sweat, and his vision was blurring out every couple of seconds. His muscles burned with an excruciating fury, and his hearing had gone fuzzy.

Every step he took was like fighting his way through molasses, but he forced his limbs to keep going; George was in danger here.

George must have noticed something was wrong, because he had said something. It sounded like a question, and Dream didn't have the energy to respond, so he just grunted and kept moving.

Every step he took kept getting harder, and he was slowing down each one. No matter how many encouraging words George practically yelled at him so he could comprehend, every inch of space he put between them and the threat was a battle, and it was wearing him down.

When he finally couldn't move anymore, he fell to his hands and knees. George clambered off of him, going around to his front.

George's head was scattered as he put his hands on either side of Dream's face, shaking him a bit and asking over and over if he was okay. He was trying to hold it together, trying not to slip into a panic. Dream whimpered, reaching a hand to lay on top of George's, and the boy's heart broke just a little bit more.

"Go.." Dream whispered, and then he collapsed.

"Dream? Dream!?" George asked, shaking him as his tears started to fall yet again. George grabbed the boy's face, placing his forehead on the other's and sobbing.

"Dream.." He hiccupped, and then his head shot up as he heard someone yell something in the distance. He choked on his tears for a second longer, kissing the forehead of Dream's mask and laying his head down carefully on the grass.

"I'll come back for you. I promise I'll come back for you." George said hurriedly, running to the edge of the clearing.

Tw, inhumane treatment

"Over here!" Someone yelled just as George got into the bushes, just out of view. A large man in a uniform that could almost be called armor walked up to Dream, grabbing the bottom of his mask and pulling up.

As Dream's teeth were exposed, the man leaned in, inspecting the area where the mask connected to the flesh before sticking his fingers in Dream's mouth to roughly inspect his maw.

George wanted to scream as the man just dropped Dream's head, letting it hit the ground hard. The rest of the men in uniform started to trickle in, and George watched with clenched fists as they tied his legs together, and then his arms and tail together.

They pulled out a gag that looked big enough for a lion, shoving it into his mouth and latching it in the back of his head, tightening it until it was obvious it wouldn't come loose, and then more to where it would hurt.

As they were doing this, a large group of armoured black trucks had rolled up in reverse, so the backs of them were facing the clearing. More men hopped out, and the two men who were in the truck in the middle opened the back of the truck before going to Dream and grabbing him by his binds.

George's tongue started to bleed from how hard he was biting it as they haphazardly picked him up, counting to three as they threw him into the truck, slamming the doors behind him.

Tw over

Even when the trucks were gone, George didn't get up. He didn't move.

Right when he had Dream, his happiness had been ripped away from him yet again.


Well that was a wild ride ;)

Anyways, here's some fanart by tran_gic on Instagram!

I absolutely adore the pose and the glowy look of it!! 12/10 amazing

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I absolutely adore the pose and the glowy look of it!! 12/10 amazing.

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