Chapter Thirty Four|Unexpected

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George was scared.

If there was any time he had been afraid or worried, it didn't even compare to how he felt now.

The uniform they had gotten felt itchy on his skin, and he couldn't stop himself from fiddling with the cuffs of the white button-up.

Everyone else seemed to be feeling around the same way, fidgeting and pulling at the foreign clothes.

They had successfully gotten everything they needed, and now they just needed to cut through the barbed wire fence; their false ID cards wouldn't work at the front gate, so this was their best option.

They would go when the guards were switching shifts, which was coincidentally the same time the guard watching the security cameras would switch shifts; they had a fifteen-minute window where they can slip in undetected. They were ready now, and they had been waiting for ten minutes until the guards would leave.

"There!" Nick whisper-yelled, handing George the binoculars. George looked through, and Nick had been right; this was their chance.

"Let's go." He said quickly, opening the back of the van and jumping out with a pair of wire cutters held tightly in his grasp.

Nick, Zak, and George slipped out of the back of the van. Darryl and Vincent just watched them; there was no way the two of them would slip by since they had already been in there before.

"Good luck," Vincent told them, and Darryl nodded in agreement. George just forced a smile; he was grateful, really, but the phrase reminded him of how much he really would need it.

They moved quickly through the forest around the government building, following the fence until George froze, sticking his arm out.

There, in the blindest spot of the security cameras, was a man with pink dyed hair. As the tall man looked over his shoulder, George got a glance of chocolate brown eyes and a sharp golden tooth sticking out of their lip a bit, matching a golden septum piercing.

And they weren't alone. Along with them, there was a lanky man with curly brown hair and eyes. The man with pink hair seemed steely; determined. The brown-haired one seemed a little more on edge, but just as prepared. They were dressed the same way, in the same fake uniforms. They also seemed ready to cut through the fence.

George was about to call off what they were doing; it was too risky to approach or follow after these people. For all they knew, they were going to commit mass genocide. But then the brown-haired boy took a long, deep breath.

George didn't get a second to react before he was pinned to the ground, the air knocked out of him. Distantly he heard Nick yell a 'hey!' of shock. There the two sat, George pinned down by this mystery man. Wait...

"Demon." The word left him in a wheeze, the realization hitting him hard. Right in front of his eyes, two curled horns sprouted from their head, curling through their brown locks and over their ears, which were now pointed. Large and dragon-like wings protruded from their back, making the demon on top of him seem even more threatening.

"Why do you smell like..." George turned his head away as the demon pulled him closer by his shirt collar, taking a deep, drawn out breath.

"Dave, he smells like the demon Tommy smelled like when he got his ass kicked." The demon on top of him told the other man- no, probably a demon too.

"Dream. His name is Dream." George hissed, all sense of self-preservation out the window. The demon on top of him fixed him with a glare before he climbed off of him.

"Why do you smell like Dream, human?" The other demon, Dave, stepped up. His chest was puffed out confidently. The only demonic thing George noticed was that he had swine-like ears sticking out of his head, his eyes had gone red, and the one tooth that had been sticking from his lower lip had been joined by another.

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