Chapter Eleven|Crude Encounter

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"Would the correct phrase be to start, or to begin again?"

Dream asked the chat, just barely keeping a straight face as he did. When someone said '... Wot' the dream demon burst out laughing, slapping George on the back. As Dream eventually slid onto the ground, wheezing, George smiled.

"He's the CEO of being confusing, don't listen to him guys." He said as he started a new game in hardcore Minecraft, having just died to a creeper explosion. It didn't make him too disappointed, he hadn't even gotten iron yet.

This stream was going really, really well. He didn't expect to have Dream on his streams to work out as well as it did, but his viewers practically doubled, people being curious about the man behind the mask in a completely non-superhero way.

Donations were going well. Better than usual. Honestly, better to the point where George was 100% willing to pay dream, plus he could even, maybe, buy himself a gaming system if he saved up long enough. Then he could have his own channel and have a completely separate income.

"Stop talking nerd, the viewers will get confused." Dream interrupted what George thought were his thoughts. He jumped before chuckling and rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry. Just thinking out loud." Dream nodded, going back to playing the world that George had made for him while George just thought about everything.

Ever since Dream met him in person, life has been good. Better than good. The Demon had been a blessing in a horrible, terrifying disguise. George watched him from his spot on the bed, hearing him talk to chat and hearing the keys of the keyboard click.

Dream, well, Dream was a demon. One that he has been tormented by for years on end. And yet, George was drawn to him. He wanted to get to know him more, learn how long he's been living, and his favorite moments of it all. He wants to know the boy's favorite and least favorite things to do, learn how to make his favorite meal, and just spend time with him.

Dream was a mystery he wanted to solve. And George was excited to do so.


After the stream, George had insisted on taking Dream to get clothes, and Dream kept asking him why.

"You can't just wear the same clothes every day, that's just gross," George said from his seat at the steering wheel while Dream messed with the radio.

"I don't secrete fluids from my skin as humans do. The only reason it'd be gross is if I spilled something on them." Dream reasoned.

"And what if you do spill something? You don't have any other clothes to change into." Dream groaned, rolling his eyes under the mask.

"So? I can just steal clothes from you." Dream explained, picking some dirt from his nails.

"My clothes are way too small for you." George reasoned, reaching over to change the channel, much to Dream's dismay.

"Not my fault you're small." Dream answered, huffing and crossing his arms. George looked like he was gonna say something, but he just sighed and shook his head, focusing on the road because they were already almost there. When they pulled into the parking lot, Dream seemed suddenly unsettled.

"Are you alright?" George asked, his eyebrows drawn together in worry. Dream nodded his head, opening the car window.

"Let's just get in and get out. I don't like this place." Dream closed the car door a bit too roughly, and he flinched. It was louder than he had expected it to be.

He felt a sort of aura here. It was heavy on his shoulders and made his hackles raise, and he didn't like it. He was in another demon's territory, no doubt, and that was dangerous for George. Dream could tell they were a lesser demon, but any demon was a threat to George's life. But, if he got in and got out quickly, George would be safe.

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