Chapter Twenty Three|Chaos

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It all happened so fast.

George had sighed as he leaned against the window, his parents playing the music they knew he didn't like as he just felt the cool surface on his skin, watching the landscape as it passed by in a blur.

He remembers watching as a huge something barreled towards the side of the car, his eyes widening as he screamed a warning a second too late.

He remembered the shock of the impact as the door of the car collapsed in on him, remembered the way the car felt as it rolled once, twice, three times.

He vividly remembered the ringing in his ears as gravity finally stopped changing, and he was hanging upside down in his seatbelt. His head was fuzzy with adrenaline, and he reached up to undo the seatbelt.

He had dropped onto the roof of the car roughly, and then he'd realized that his arm was throbbing and that he had cuts everywhere from the broken car windows.

All he could smell was blood and oil and smoke. His eyes watered and burned as he focused on his breathing and trying to find a way out of the death trap.

He remembered seeing it for the first time.

His mother hanging lifelessly in the seatbelt, a large piece of shrapnel sticking through her stomach.

He remembered the choked sob that flowed from his lips and looking at his hands to see that her blood had been everywhere. On his hands, on the roof of the car...

And then he saw his father, who was limping out onto the street, phone in hand. He hadn't even tried to help George.

But even then, as he watched that monster come up behind him, George wanted to scream, to warn the man who had raised him. But all that came out was a broken whisper, and George reached up to his own throat desperately, trying to yell, to shout, to do anything.

He watched as that thing closed a hand around his head, picking him up and bringing him up to his face to take a deep breath. And then he watched it slam his father's head into the ground. George sobbed. He just had to hope that his father had passed out instead of.. Instead of..

And then it turned to look at him, striking blue eyes sending shocks down George's side. Those... Those were the eyes of a man.

George scampered to the opposite side of the car as the thing bound over to him, ramming into the car once, twice.

"Come out you piece of human garbage!" It yelled as it reached one of its abnormally long arms through the broken passenger window and into the metal cage, claws just barely snagging on George's shirt before they ripped right through, and it couldn't reach him anymore.

It screamed in frustration, the sound like sandpaper on George's ears, making them ring all over again. The thing rammed into the car once more before it grabbed one of the doors through the broken window, yelling as it tore the thing clean off.

George wanted to scream as the thing kept tearing the doors off one by one.

He did scream as it's hand wrapped around his torso. George kicked and desperately held on to one of the car seats, but it won as his fingers slipped from the linen and he was pulled out from behind the only wall he had between the beast and himself.

Suddenly it threw him up in the air, catching him by the back of the shirt in a way that made it catch on his throat, pulling it tight against it. George started to choke, reaching his hands up to the collar and pulling desperately, trying to breathe.

"So you're the little piece of human scum that dream demon follows around like a kicked puppy." It spat, leaning in close to George and getting in his face while the boy struggled to get oxygen, his face going red.

"I'm gonna be honest here," it spoke as it dropped George three feet, his head slamming against the ground in a way that couldn't be good for him as he took a deep breath. And then the demon put it's long, large hand on his chest, pushing down, and that breath was forced out of him as a wheeze.

"I expected more." It hissed in his ear before wrapping it's huge hand around his waist again, picking him up like he was some ragdoll; he was a toy to be played with.

"But, something tells me you'll be perfect for the job." He spoke with finalization, and George was kicking and screaming as the beast trotted over to his father's limp form, picking the man up by his legs and throwing him over his shoulder like a rucksack.

And then they were moving, and fast. George was glad he didn't get motion sick as he held on to the beast's hand for dear life, closing his eyes tight as the wind whipped in his face.

The raging wind was gone as soon as it came, and George was left taking deep, laborious breaths as he looked around him.

It was a field, with patches of grass and whole trees burned away. Certain areas were caked brown with dried blood, and others had whole areas of grass gouged away, exposing the earth underneath.

"This is where your demon boyfriend an I faced off less than a week ago. Can you recognize what blood his and what is mine?" The demon growled in his ear, and it was then that George noticed that it was blonde-haired and covered in fresh-looking scars.

"You see, he took something of mine." The demon reached up and clenched a spot in his shirt, right below his neck. It's head whipped back to George, and it grinned.

"So I decided to take something of his." It cackled, and George looked away, his eyebrows drawn. It was then he saw it.

It was the slime demon he had seen one time, its eyes were blown wide and a phone was being held to its ear. It held a finger to its lips as it hissed into the phone.

"Dream, you need to get to the field. Fast."

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