Chapter Twenty|Selfie?

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Dream hummed a tune as he walked into the bakery, sticking his now non-clawed hands in his pockets more out of muscle memory than to hide them from prying eyes.

Since George, the only person who saw him as a demon, wasn't here, he was in his human form. Dream still got whiplash when he looked at his hands and saw that they were a human flesh tone, and not at all sharp.

The demon took a deep, slightly open-mouthed breath, testing the waters for any demonic auras. There didn't seem to be anyone demonic nearby, other than some people who have been fed on recently. Dream nearly sighed in relief.

The tall boy walked up to the register, only to watch the cashier look up from their phone and then nearly freeze in shock. Dream rose an eyebrow, looking down at himself and then back up at them. The person took a deep breath, steadying themselves.

"Are you Dream?" They asked, and Dream froze up as he connected the dots.

They had been watching their phone, and the merch Dream was wearing still,  technically, hasn't come out yet. That means they saw him and George wearing it and knew that they were the only ones who had it, and so they figured out that Dream, who just left to get breakfast, was right in front of them.

Would it be cowardly if Dream wanted to run away from this whole situation? Dream smiled nervously, avoiding eye contact with the curious cashier.

"Maybe... Can I get three of your large cinnamon rolls please? And a Nesquick strawberry milk, and a chocolate Yoo-hoo?" Dream asked, trying to hurry up the encounter while the cashier practically shook in excitement.

"Of course, but do you think I could get a picture? Without your face, of course, I'm not like that." Dream smiled nervously under his facemask, which had his signature stupid smile painted on a basic white mask. He nodded, and the girl seemed ecstatic.

Soon Dream was handed his cinnamon rolls and drinks. He set the bag on the counter, taking the girl's phone when it was offered to him so he could take the photo since he was taller. He posed with her over the counter, doing a peace sign with his fleshy hands and being sure to keep everything above the neck out of the photo.

As he handed the girl her phone back, he offered his hand to shake, and the bright smile on her face as she shook his hand was enough to make this situation seem like a good one rather than bad.

"It was great to meet you, Dream. Have a nice day!" She told him as he exited the bakery, the small line that had formed scowling at him as he passed.

Dream couldn't help but smile as he walked towards the house that was starting to become home for him.


When he got back to the house, he messaged George to pause the stream so that he could get in and so the smaller boy could eat.

As soon as George smelled the cinnamony goodness, his stomach growled like a demon. The boy was sheepish as he took the sweet treats and his strawberry milk, watching Dream shake up his Yoo-hoo.

"Iphs been a wong phime phince iphe pheen phomone phink phone of phophs-" George said around a mouthful of sugar drizzled dough, causing Dream to snicker, and George to pout.

"I said, it's been a long time since I've seen someone drink one of those. Aren't they completely fake? Not even real milk?" George asked, watching Dream as the boy shrugged, taking another sip of the sugary chocolate not-milk.

George just shook his head as he took a bite out of his second cinnamon roll, wiping his hands on his pants before starting up the stream again.

Dreams nose scrunched up in distaste. The boy's fingers were probably still sticky with frosting. He should not be typing with sticky fingers. All it would take is licking his fingers and they'd be clean enough-

An image of George licking the frosting off his fingers while making eye contact with Dream popped into the dream demon's head, and his face would have lit up beet red if it wasn't covered by his mask again.

George should not lick his fingers in front of Dream, he should instead go to the bathroom and wash his hands. Definitely not because Dream couldn't handle watching that. Definitely because that's what any normal person would do.


Dream wanted to scream as he stuffed his face in a pillow, George only giving him an amused glance before he got back to casually playing Minecraft.

This boy.. he did things to dream. He did things.

Dream sighed as he turned back to the absurdly adorable boy he was rooming with, watching him giggle at a joke someone cracked in a donation.

This boy had his heart, and Dream never wanted it back.

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