Chapter Twenty One|Realization

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Dream groaned as he yanked the brush through his stubborn locks once more before he gave up, slamming the brush on the sink counter.

He had been trying to brush his hair for the past ten minutes, due to George insisting he couldn't leave his 'bedhead' the way it was. The boy didn't realize that A, his hair always looked like that, and B, his hair was an insufferable mess.

Dream finally gave up, grabbing the brush and wishing he could stomp back to George's room. However, George's parents were home, so sadly he couldn't show his anger through his feet as he walked back to George's room.

He pushed the door open a bit more aggressively than necessary, frowning as he saw George, who was still streaming. He'd been streaming for about an hour now; Dream wanted some attention.

"I can't get the brush through my hair." Dream spoke truthfully, putting the brush on the desk and crossing his arms.

"No way, you're just saying that." George didn't even look up at the boy, just continuing to play the game. The chat exploded in 'welcome back Dream!'s, and it made a ghost of a smile slip onto Dream's face. It was gone as soon as it came, though, as Dream looked back at the shorter boy.

"I'm dead serious." Dream pouted, grabbing George's headset right off his head so he could actually get the boy's attention. The boy let out a 'Hey!' of protest as Dream hoisted the headset above his reach.

"No way, it's just bedhead Dream, it's easy!" George huffed as he gave up on reaching his headset, crossing his arms like dream had just a moment ago.

"If you think it's so easy to deal with my thick ass hair, why don't you do it instead?" Dream glared at George, but the boy seemed to actually take it to heart. He stood up, and Dream seemed confused as he did so.

"Fine, sit down then." George motioned to the empty chair, and Dream tilted his head, confused as he did what he was told, sitting in the comfortable black gaming chair.

George picked up the brush, and both of them forgot for the moment that they were streaming as George tried to brush Dream's hair for the first time. Almost immediately he realized why Dream was having trouble; His hair was hellishly thick.

"When it comes to thick hair, you gotta start at the ends, Dream. Hold on, let me get my comb and steal my mom's detangling spray." George placed the brush back on his desk as he walked back out of the room, leaving Dream with an in shock stream.

Dream just zoned out for a while before he unplugged George's headset so he could hear and answer donations. A lot of people were gushing about how DreamNotFound was cannon, and Dream made a mental note to find out what that was later.

Soon George came back in, holding a skinny cylindrical spray bottle and a comb. Dream got comfortable again as George started spraying his hair with the stuff and then combing his hair.

It surprisingly didn't hurt at all. It just took a while for George to comb through all of it until it was a helluva lot less fluffy than usual.

"But it's wet now.." Dream complained, running his fingers through his damp locks. George just rolled his eyes, leaving the room to grab his mom's blow dryer.

When they were done, Dream's hair was still fluffy and soft as ever, just neater and less messy than it was before. The view count had dropped significantly, but as Dream decided it was his turn to play, it slowly started to climb back up again.

George watched him from his spot on the bed. He watched the way Dream's shoulders pulled closer to him when he was low on health. He heard the sweet and salty laughter that bubbled out of the demon.

As he did, he finally came to a conclusion.

He had a crush on a demon.

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