Chapter Fifteen|Fatigue

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By the time George woke up, Dream felt exhausted. His limbs felt heavy and his feet dragged like chains on concrete flooring. George almost immediately picked up on it.

"Are you sure you don't need to sleep?" He asked Dream. Dream had been staring into space for a solid five minutes with an empty mug in his hands, where coffee used to be. George slipped the cold mug out of his hands, replacing it with a hot one, filled with fresh black coffee.

"Last time I checked, and every time before that, no." He said, sipping the nectar of the gods and moaning in relief at the warmth. George's parents kept the AC way too low in this household.

"When did you last check?" George asked, tilting his head in curiosity. Dream rolled his eyes under the mask.

"Five years ago." Dream said before starting to chug the coffee in his hands, loving the way it scalded his throat.

"Dream, that was forever ago. That could've changed, you never know." George offered, and Dream just shook his head, standing up to refill his coffee. Caffeine didn't do anything for him, but the heat of the drink tended to make him feel more awake anyways.

"I don't think it has. I mean, I can sleep, but it usually doesn't help. I just have bad days sometimes." Dream said as he poured the dirty bean water into his favorite mug, which he had painted himself and read 'living nightmare'.

"Whatever you say, Dreamy," George answered with a smile and an eye roll, turning the TV on and playing some Jacksepticeye content. Dream recognized it as Subnautica Below Zero, and so he sat down with the boy, leaning heavily into the couch.

After the fifth time Dream asked 'wait, could you rewind that, I was zoning out', George turned off the TV, despite Dream's confused whine. He turned to him, meeting his confused gaze with a serious one.

"Dream, I really think you need some rest. As in actual sleep." He said, crossing his arms as Dream took a long sip from his third cup of coffee.

"I told you, I don't need to-" George interrupted him halfway through with a 'nonono'.

"Dream, I'm not saying you need sleep, I'm just saying it'd make me feel better if you came over here, laid your head in my lap and fell asleep while I run my fingers through your bedhead."

Dream just stared wide-eyed at him for a solid ten seconds before he closed his mouth, shaking his head with an involuntary smile. George started blushing almost immediately after he had said it, which made Dream feel a bit better.

"Well, since you offered," Dream smirked, unnecessarily crawling on all fours to the opposite side of the couch before laying on George's lap, facing him. He knew George couldn't see his smirk, but he hoped the boy could feel it instead.

George swallowed thickly, looking away with pink cheeks as he ran his fingers tentatively through Dream's hair, as if Dream would snap at him or something.

Dream, with a tiny courage boost, lightly grabbed George's offhand, kissing the back of it. Well, he kinda just tapped the mouth area of his mask to the back of George's hand. George chuckled at him, continuing to run his fingers through Dreams hair.

After a moment Dream started purring, making George sigh happily, the tension seeping from his shoulders. George took a deep breath and realized that the air smelled slightly different. It smelled like eating Andes mints in a treehouse while it's raining. It smelled like chocolate, mint, and rain. He took some more deep breaths.

"That's my scent." Dream spoke up, shocking George out of his trance. Dream's body language seemed a bit nervous, as if he expected George to hate it. George smiled softly.

"It's nice. Refreshing." He said, scratching Dream's head softly and watching the tension melt from his body.

"I'm glad to hear that.." Dream mumbled, leaning further into George's touch. George started to hum a song, and Dream's purring made the ambiance something even George wanted to sleep to. It wasn't long until Dream nodded off, smiling in his sleep.

George couldn't see it, but... He could just feel it deep down. Dream was happy.


Sorry about the short chapter. This one is basically 70% of what I usually write, but I really need to start getting my sleep schedule back on track lmao. I'll do 130% next one to make up for it.

I got fanart again! This is by the infamous arizonkers on Twitter! They're also arisonkerz and arizonkerss on Instagram!!

Their art is GOALS, and I really really really want you all to check them out! Literally. Their style is adorable and I love these artworks to pieces!!

Now, since it's five am and I wanted to sleep an hour ago, I'mma peace out. Love y'all!

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