Chapter Thirty One|Taught

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"Everyone's here, right?" George asked as he looked around the tightly packed apartment living room, his hands on his hips.

The couch was full, and even then there was someone standing. From George's perspective, Zak was on the far left of the couch, his elbow on the armrest and his face resting on his hand as he looked across the room, bored. Darryl was next to him, squished in between Zak and Nick, who looked about ready to off himself as he leaned as far away as possible from Darryl.

For reasons George was a little afraid to ask, Darryl and Zak had a cop friend named Vincent. He seemed like a pretty decent guy, who was just used to flowing with the chaos of the other two. But George wondered if demons were a current he was willing to flow, or even drown in. He stood behind the couch with his arms crossed, his eyebrow raised in confusion as he stared George down.

"So, I'm gonna tell you something you probably won't believe, but it's the truth," George spoke with a finality that couldn't be questioned.

"Demons exist." He started with. Everyone except Nick turned towards Vincent, the only one who hadn't seen physical proof of that fact, waiting for him to deny it.

"Yeah, that makes sense," Vincent spoke, and everyone blinked, surprised. George's eyes had widened by a fraction, and he cleared his throat, roping in his shock.

"So you don't think I'm lying to you," George spoke a fact more than a question. Vincent shrugged his shoulders, looking around at the other people in the room. Even Nick seemed a bit surprised.

"What? With how twenty-twenty is going, I wouldn't question it." He explained, even though it made no sense whatsoever.

"Dude, it's twenty nineteen," Sapnap exclaimed, and Vincent looked at him for a moment before shrugging once more. George just shook his head and decided to roll with it.

"Dream, the man I room with and also film with as a duo, has been taken. Uh, Nick, do you mind explaining the rest?" The slime demon just nodded and stood up, and George went to sit where he once had been. He found himself checking for any stray slime on the couch, only to find none. It confused him.

"First things first, I'm a demon." Zak, Darryl, and Vincent just nodded, and then their eyes' collectively widened. He guessed they were all seeing his demon form rather than his human one.

"Second, I'm gonna teach you some basic things about demons." Everyone nodded collectively to show they were listening.

"Every demon is separated based on what sensation, physical, or otherwise that they feed on. Since we're born from a different plane of existence and sent here, we have to feed off of humans or animals, because you are a conscious child of the material plane." Nick was trying to take it slow so that everyone would catch on. It seemed to be working.

"Me and Dream are examples of demons that feed on human fear, more commonly called dream demons. One of our kind can feed on a human by giving them horrifying nightmares, and absorbing the fear that comes from them." Zak seemed to pull a face at that information, but everyone else seemed to get that.

"Some other examples of demons are those that feed on human pleasure, called succubus or incubus, and those that feed on nefarious feelings, called envy demons." Everyone seemed to be catching on to what he was getting at.

"Okay. We call those alignments. Demons are randomly assigned one at birth." Everyone nodded once they saw that he had been waiting for confirmation.

"Now, there are physical forms. Remember, physical means body and material means matter. I may look solid and feel solid, but no matter what you humans think, that doesn't mean I'm made up of material, or matter." Everyone seemed curious to find out more about what he meant at that, other than Vincent. He just continued on; if they could be curious, it meant they had at least a standard understanding of the subject.

"There are a lot of different forms. To make it easy for you, I'm going to say there are about as many forms as you think there are mythical creatures." Darryl seemed shocked, as well as Zak, but somehow Vincent just continued to seem unfazed.

"The final way to categorize demons physically would be by element. There are a lot of elements, so I'll just use me and Dream as some basic examples." He cleared his throat before he continued.

"If I were to classify myself, I would say I am a slime, dream, fire, and lava demon, in the order of physical form, alignment, and element or elements." Darryl seemed a bit in awe of him, and it made Nick's chest swell with pride.

"Dream is an imp, dream, blood, and toxic demon. It's a pretty rare mash-up of elements, which is one reason I respect Dream as a demon." Everyone seemed unsurprised by this.

"I'm going to go further just a bit by saying every demon has a completely different aura, like a fingerprint. Only a demon can sense an aura. For a demon to get stronger, they have to strengthen their aura through training. Demons can sense how powerful you are through your aura.

"The best way to get you to understand our strength would probably be by using an average human man as an example. I'd say that my strength is equal to about four hundred human men. For perspective, that's about half as strong as a demon can even get. To get you to really understand, I'd say the maximum a demon can get to is about five thousand.

"Dream has the strength of three thousand human men." Darryl gasped loudly at this, his eyes bulging. Zak had let out a 'no way!', and Vincent again seemed completely unfazed.

"Wait wait wait, if Dream is that strong, why do we even need to save him?" Nick seemed to wince a bit, and everyone seemed to be asking the same question as Zak.

"The answer to that question is pretty simple. He's done something that no demon has done in decades. The reason for that is because it's very frowned upon for a demon to do what he's done." Everyone seemed to be waiting for what he was going to say. The silence stretched on for a long while.

"Dream has fallen in love with a human."


More amazing fanart!

This artwork is by someone who prefers to be anonymous.

Guys, I can't even describe how much I adore the composition of this piece of digital artwork

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Guys, I can't even describe how much I adore the composition of this piece of digital artwork. Every little detail, from the cup of tea to the flipped over book, looks so meticulously placed! Dude, the phone even glows red light on the mug and George's pant leg.

Needless to say I fucking adore this artwork. I really really really hope that this person makes a return in a later chapter with more fanart (NO PRESSURE!!), because I really adore this piece!!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Looking forward to the next one!

Love y'all ;)

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