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I can understand if you don't want to be my wife it's OK.  Atleast be my friend..
Please.. I missed you so much.. Please...
He hugged her stomach and  sobbed..

The moment he broke down is the moment she came out from the shock. Yep she is shocked to the core, why don't she? This man who is now breaking down in front of her is not the Sanskar she known of. He is different. The Sanskar she knows, will claim the thing without any second thought. He will do what he feels right. She had known him as charming, smiling, cheering young man, who won't left any chance to flirt with her at any moment.

Sometimes she thought that he would have been a casanova during his studies by his nature. She even thought that maybe he is obsessed with her, that he is not letting her go out of his sight. But at time grows, he break the image she had for him and created a place in her heart in such a way that her heart beat skipped every time when he is with her. She felt loved. She felt cared. She felt secured.
Literally he made her a QUEEN. His queen.. Her wish had become his. Her sufferings had become his.

She could find peace in him only. Only him. He removed all her miseries. She always felt loved by him. His presence in her life became undeniable. How his presence filled her colorless life with shades of happiness.. How could she forget that? She very well knew that he became her soul reason for her to live..

With him she could be herself, the real Ragini... His all days started with her and ended with her. He is the gem of a man anyone could wish for.... Without any prayers she got him.. Like he said he never failed to show the love in his eyes for her.
But she being the confused one didn't got into conclusion that those eyes depict love.. She felt loved. She won't deny. But due to some manipulation when her inferior nature raised up and the guilty of cheating the family and spoiling his life made her to leave him. She knew that one day he will face her with hatred for betraying him.  But she never in dreams had thought that he would broke down like this... The Sanskar she knew claimed his rights, never begged. But here he is begging her atleast to be her friend.. She felt miserable to see him like this.. She knew she is the soul reason for his changed behaviour. She felt like the most stupid person in the whole universe now. How can she leave him, when she is sure that how much she means to him. She determined to pay for her mistake.
She decided to love him like he do.

These guys loved eo madly.. But the words which both are longing to hear from the other is lacked. That's where  they  did a mistake..That's where some evil witches played their trump cards...

"I am sorry" she bent on her knees and wiped his tears while hers were flowing continuously.. She catched her ears and mumbled
"Sorry.. Maaf kardo mujhe.. Please" she uttered her words heavily..

"You won't leave me na" he cupped her cheeks..

"I won't, even you wish for" she took his hands in her and kissed on his palms and  smiled amidst the tears..

"Really?" he questioned again to confirm.He need assurance.

"Haan baba.. Really. I swear" she pincher her throat.

"You will be my friend na?"

"I am" she smiled.

"I am happy that you accept to be my friend. I promise not to suffocate  you in the name of marriage. You are free to do what ever you want.Even if you want divorce" , though his voice chocked he continued,

"Though I want divorce.., haan bolo" she gritted her teeth and asked.

S:"I will.."
R:"you will?"


S:Haa.. Then means?, he asked in utter confusion.

R:Then what will you do? Marry another girl and romance with her, so that I will become devadass.. Hena.. She started beating him with bare hands.

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